Chapter Fourteen (Edited)

Start from the beginning

He was giving me his heart, letting me in completely.

As I wipe away my tears, letting her words sink in, Livi's fresh tennis shoes squeak across the living room causing her firecracker ways to burst through the air. "Oh, forget this crap!" she shouts in frustration "Abbie, switch shoes with me pleaseee!" she pleads causing my murky mood to dissipate as Josie and I chuckle from Livi's outburst. Perfect timing and without a clue. She waltzes is in the room claiming ownership of the shoes Josie had neatly place against the base boards, tossing her pink Nikes on the bed before striking a pose.

"Let's go ladies! This ass doesn't look this good from sleeping in!" she chirps followed by smacking one of her cheeks to add effect. Liv always has had a way of energizing a room.

Most of Nederland's residential areas are surrounded with ample winding streets, giving us the ideal terrain needed to develop a good burn, the hills are perfectly spaced, seeming to plane out just in the knick of time before my legs give out

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Most of Nederland's residential areas are surrounded with ample winding streets, giving us the ideal terrain needed to develop a good burn, the hills are perfectly spaced, seeming to plane out just in the knick of time before my legs give out.

I hate running when it's too cold, I can't stand the burn I get in my throat, as my nose starts to run from my heart rate and increase body heat. I hate the feel of not being able to catch my breath.

Running with a slight scowl on my face, I notice Josie in my peripheral, matching my pace, I didn't feel like running today, I didn't feel like getting out of bed. I just wanted to mope; Wyatt was miles away. And quite frankly I was a little pissed. Pissed that I was alone, that Wyatt couldn't come home every day.

I can tell she isn't trying to push herself, trying to be supportive with over stepping. Livi on the other hand is already to our middle way mark jogging in place next to the stop sign. Waiting on me as usual.

"Come on bitches, feel the burn!" she mocks, checking her time and pulse on her Fitbit. I want to choke her fit ass. Just the motivation I needed.

As if channeled in, Josie picks up her pace with mine.

"Atta girl!"

Our arms pumping with perfect formation as we start to close in the distance to our destination, our shoes hitting the white line in sequence. The sudden stop has me placing my hands over my head as heavy breathing escapes my heaving chest, my lungs burn. I take a second to pace my breathing all while sniffling my now running nose. Unable to control it, it pisses me off, fueling me for my second wind.

"Heyy! Wait for us!" Livi shouts chasing after me.

"No pain, no gain, right?" I chortled over my shoulder, not giving her the satisfaction of gaining on me. 

With Liv and Josie on my heels, I can't help but to feel free, unstoppable, this must be the endorphins Josie was bragging about. I've done morning runs with Liv, but this time it's different, as my arms pump and I gain speed, my spirit lifts. Each sprint feeling more invigorating. As I soar freely like a bird in each airborne motion between my heels colliding with the asphalt before I'm flying again, my hair dancing in the wind.

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