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A girl was washed up in a unknown world. She was treated as a foreigner, because she was.

I slowly stumbled to a village that I saw in the distance. The sun was setting behind the giant skull of a monster. And so were my muscles. I couldn't take it. I was exhausted. At least I was still alive... right?

I counted my steps one by one until half the sun disappeared, and I raised my head, more tired then I have ever been in my whole life. My back slumped, and every inch of my body was aching and grubby. I walked to a nearby forest, and gathered some deep green leaves, and fell asleep the moment my head touched the ground.

I awoke early next morning, and was greeted by the sun shining into my eyes. I shaded my eyes and lay for another mere five minutes, and finally stood up drowsily. I once again begun another long journey.

I reached the village in the early afternoon. I caught passing people asking is there was a extra house somewhere. "Hello! Do you know a place that I could stay? I am new here." Their answers were all the same. I was starved for two days until some kind man told me, "Well, there is a cabin in the woods that you could use. Its been abandoned as long as I can remember."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You don't know how much this means to me!"

He nodded, then grunted, and continued on his way. I eventually found the cabin. Collapsing onto the grass, I rested for a few minutes, and dragged my body into the cabin. I found a half broken mirror, and a upstairs room of the cabin had been broken open. Hmm, looks like I have some fixing to do. But I didn't just mean the house. I also meant that about my life.

Nozel Silva x character x FuegoleonWhere stories live. Discover now