Chapter 9

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⚠️- Trauma

Date: December 20, 2011
Location: Hospital

Emily's POV

I had been up for a couple of hours, I was tired but I couldn't go to sleep, every position was too uncomfortable. I looked over at JJ who was still sleeping peacefully so I just looked out the window at the semi-cloudy weather. It was dark as if it was going to rain, I hoped it would rain was always my type of weather. I hate the sun. It is pretty much everything I disliked balled up in one, but rain is different. It's relaxing and numbing.

When I was younger I lived in Denmark for a couple of months for one of my mom's postings. When we lived there everything sucked, I had no friends and school was hard but it rained a lot. If I was upset and it was raining I would go to this lake not too far from the house we were staying at and I would yell, cry, pray, or just do whatever I needed to do to get it out. It was so much easier to cry and scream in the rain because the hard rain muffled the sound and the raindrops hid the tears. I didn't feel weak when I let my emotions out in the rain, I felt relieved.

I was deep in thought but that instantly broke when I heard the clicking of heels, at first I thought it was Penelope but then they turned into the haunting heel clicks of my childhood. They gradually got closer to my door, until finally, she was standing in the doorway, it was the evil, stupid, bitch that gave birth to me. I wanted to throw something at her and yell at her for the many years of pain she put me through but right behind her stood my team and Henry. He looked so happy sitting on Derek's shoulders with his hair in his eyes. The second I look into his eyes I forget Ambassador Prentiss is there.

"Hi, Bubba," I said smiling ear to ear. Derek puts him down, he runs right up to my bed and holds out his hands letting me know he wants me to pick him up. I do as I'm told because who can say no to Henry, when he's on the bed he hurries and wraps his little arms around my neck. "Bubba wait I'm all wet and sweaty."

He giggles into my neck, "It doesn't matter silly." He lifts his head and looks at me. "Emmy I missed you."

"I missed you too but now I'm here, no more top-secret missions just me and you, you like that?" I ask. He nods then lays back down on my chest. I look up at the team and see everyone smiling just as bright as me, even Hotch has a smirk on his face. They all came in and found a place to sit in the room, Ambassador Prentiss sat relatively close to me but I didn't pay her any attention.

"Hey Princess, how are you feeling?" Derek asks.

"I feel fine, I think my fever broke so I'm hoping I can go home soon." Henry pops up and his smile grows wider.

"When you come home we can put the star on the tree and go gift shopping for mommy and I can tell you my Christmas list and I can finally send my Christmas list to Santa and-" he says talking really fast.

"Hey, bubba breath.." I cut him off laughing, everyone else chuckles in the back. "When I get out of here we can do whatever you want." He nods then takes his spot right back on my chest.

"We're all so glad you're ok," Penelope says teary-eyed.

"I'm fine, I don't know why you guys think a little 6-week coma is going to take me out." They laugh. "No, but for real I'm ok."

We sit there for hours talking and laughing, telling stories about our favorite memories together, and having a good time. But I couldn't take my eyes off Ambassador Prentiss, she's sitting there like she's some sort of supportive loving mother, which she is not. She doesn't know anything about me other than my name and my age, so seeing her sitting there laughing wants to send me into a blind rage but I couldn't, not with Henry here. I just need a minute.

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