Chapter 6

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Zacky's POV

I couldn't believe I found her.

I found the girl of my dreams.

April was the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Tessa is adorable. I really think she likes me.

Nothing could ever ruin what I have now.

It has been about three weeks since I went to her house and met Tessa.

We have gone on many dates, but now it was time to cook for her.

I invited her to my house for a romantic dinner.

I decided to make her Tortellini. The guys always make fun of me for being able to cook, they say it's fruity. But I am damn good and proud of it.

I had gotten candles and wine and started cooking around 5:00.

I finished with everything when the doorbell rang. Butterflies jumped in my stomach as I thought about my angel.

I wiped off my hands with a towel and walked up the door.

When I opened it, I couldn't believe what I saw.


I looked into the tear filled eyes of my ex.

Things did not end on a "good note" with us.

She cheated on me multiple times, and I never knew.

I had to find out from Jimmy catching her. I was so mad that she did it obviously, but the fact that I had to hear it from Jimmy and not her hurt me the most.

"What are you doing here." I folded my arms and glared.

"Zack.... I..." tears fell down her face.

I sighed. Seeing her like this, no matter how mad I was, hurt.

"What." I said coldly, trying to hide my emotions.

"I'm... Pregnant. And it's yours." she lost it. Tears fell to the ground.

I stared. How? How in the hell could this have happened? She was sleeping with other guys, how could it be mine?

"Say something!" she cried.

"How could it be mine with you whoring around?" I knew that had to sting, but I didn't care.

"I'm positive it's yours! You were the last guy I slept with!"

My throat tightened.

"The baby... You're the father.."

I heard a gasp. Shit.

I turned to see April standing in the driveway.

Gena looked to see what a was looking at.

April turned and walked away, towards her car.

"April! Please!" I chased after her. She got in the car and started to pull away.

I jumped in front of the car to stop her.

"Please! Let me explain!"

She continued to drive and I jumped out of the way. She sped off and I stood there, feeling so broken...

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