Chapter 3

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Zacky called the next day, and we set a date for that Saturday.

I was actually very excited. He was very nice and super cute

My best friend Ally said that she would watch Tessa while I was gone. I did not want Zacky to see where I lived.. So I asked Ally if I could get ready at her house. She was very understanding, and I gave Zacky her address.

He was to pick me up at 7:00. I had no clue what the plan was, and to be honest, I was a little nervous.

He seemed to be the kind of guy that was adventurous and not one for just a movie and dinner.

"You better be ready to give me the full night in detail when you get back!" Ally smiled as she played "tea party" with Tessa.

I laughed, "Oh, don't you worry."

The doorbell rang and Ally grabbed Tessa and ran upstairs.

I took a deep breath, hoping it would calm my erratic heartbeat. It didn't.

I opened the door to see a gorgeous smile and emerald eyes.

"You look fantastic April." He smiled and handed me a bouquet of red roses.

As the door opened a little more, I heard Ally gasp. Zacky looked confused and tried to look in.

I grabbed the door and pulled it closed after me, "Shall we go?"

He led me to his beautiful red mustang. He opened the passenger door, and I smiled as I slid into the seat.

We drove to a fancy Italian restaurant. I had never eaten at a place this expensive. I had no idea how to act.

Zacky was quite the gentlemen. He pulled my chair out for me, and always kept the conversation going. He had grown up in Huntington, surprisingly, not far from me.

But, every time he asked about me, I was very vague. I definitely did not think of Tessa as a mistake, but everything I did before and after her, I regret.

I was ashamed with what I had done, and didn't want Zacky to know.

The date went great. I was really starting to like him.

He dropped me off at Ally's.

I was pretty surprised that we only went to dinner.

"I'm sorry that it was just dinner, not very exciting I know. But I really like you, so I want to take things slow." He smiled.

Now I understood.

We walked up to the front door and I turned to face him.

"I had a really great time. Thank you for this."

He smiled and grabbed my hand and kissed it.


We said goodnight and I went inside.

When I walked in, I was bombarded by Ally.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" She grabbed both of my hands and started jumping up and down.

"What?!" I ripped my hands back. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"You! Went on a date with Zacky!!"

I was slightly confused. "Yeah.. I did. You knew his name.."

"But it didn't click!! But when I saw him it did!"

"What in the hell are you talking about!"

She squealed, "Zacky is Zacky Vengeance from Avenged Sevenfold!!!"


She ran into the living room and grabbed a cd. She opened the booklet to a picture of the band and pointed to one holding a guitar.

Oh. My. God.

I just went on a date with the rhythm guitarist of my favorite band..and didn't even know it...

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