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  It was a bright day, perfect for any small travels. The light of a day was stymied by the trees and leaves, overshadowing the grounds below. 2 figures can be seen trotting their way through the forest.

2 pairs of eyes shone brightly, their silhouettes becoming clearer as they stepper into the sunlight. Their figures were very different from any average human being. With 3 tails sprouting from each of their back, along with 2 sets of ears with balls of fluff sprouting out. Oddly enough, they had very pale skins and markings that stretched across their face and body. Both were wearing similar kimonos, had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes.

What separates them from being identical is the fact that one gender is the opposite of the other. The two could be seen carrying a basket filled with all kinds of fruits and offerings.

To the villagers and humans, they were seen as one of the legendary creatures known as "Yokais", more specifically: a Kitsune. The mischievous fox spirits with unimaginable powers as they get older and wiser, powers rivaling that of ghouls and demons.

The younger sibling looked up to her elder brother, grinning from ear to ear as she skipped along the path. "Oh, It's so nice to finally meet those cute humans again! They've been offering a lot to the shrine."

He glanced back with a equally amused face. "Oh yeah? Just wait dear sister, once mother see how much stuff we got, she would be more than delighted."

It would have been a nice day for the family, but..

The two stood at a halt the moment they set their eyes at the scene in front of them.


That was the last time they get to see their family.

Before they knew it, pain shot through all out their body as the colors in their eyes faded into the darkness.


And as time passed on.


They were sealed away...


Seen as threats to humanity.


How did it get to this point...?


What about my brother...?

¤______.ꪖꪀᥴⅈꫀꪀ𝕥 ᥴ𝕣ꫀꪖ𝕥ꪊ𝕣ꫀ._______¤

Years have passed, many things have happened through the years. Demons died out, the super naturals becoming weaker as the humans would hunt and destroy territories. War broke, and humanity won.

It only became a part of fairy tales now-a-days. And yet, there was a new type of era.


The first Quirk. The first person in the world to manifest a Quirk was a newborn baby in Qing Qing City, China; a newborn had the ability to emanate light from their body.

(Reference Image: The anime itself)After that phenomenon, many people around the world began to manifest different kinds of superpowers

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(Reference Image: The anime itself)

After that phenomenon, many people around the world began to manifest different kinds of superpowers. While the cause of the Quirk phenomenon is unknown, it has been theorized that the development of Quirks was caused by the spread of a virus carried by mice. These superpowers were first referred to as Meta Abilities before later being called Quirks.

Along with being unique to each user, Quirks are compartmentalized into multiple categories. Quirk users are also limited to one ability and are thus unable to achieve any other.

The dawn of this extraordinary era was marred by a breakdown of society caused by the sudden onslaught of criminals empowered by their newfound "superpowers" and ordinary people being prejudiced against the Quirk users.

The era of Vigilantes. As chaos and unrest ensued due to the outbreak of Quirks, ordinary civilians with their own Quirks decided to take matters into their own hands to bring order to society and thus the first "Heroes" appeared in the form of Vigilantes and thus beginning the Vigilantes Era......



A little girl with big curious eyes looked up at the raw looking scroll. It had weird patterns and markings on the outside, running across the wood and paper.

She heard a familiar voice call out to her.

She yelps

She turns to see a tall woman with long, silver hair and soft cyan eyes. The woman wore a long sleeve royal blue shirt and darker gray sweatpants. She was holding a tray, filled with delicious pastries.

"What were you doing?"


Silence filled the room, the little girl didn't know what excuse to come up with as a lingering tension filled up the room. The silence finally broke up by her mother's sigh, making her tensed up more.

Putting the tray on the floor beside her, she kneeled down by the door.
"Kimi, please come here"

Kimi was visibly shaken by her mother's unsettlingly calmed voice.

She was definitely in big trouble... or so she thought. Her frozen form started to slowly walk to her mother, scared of what's about to happen. When she finally got close, her mother's hand padded a spot near her wanting her to sit.

And she does exactly that, being the obedient kid she is. The woman then smiles at her child's reaction.

"Don't be scared, Kimi. You're not in trouble."

She then pushes the tray of pastries to her daughter.
"Here, I've made you some dongos and daifukus. You should eat, I think you're hungry from all the reading?"

"Um- mhm" she nodded with a small smile of her own, the nerves in her body going down with her mother's calming energy. The woman chuckles and gently pads her daughter's head.

'My dear... soon, you'll know exactly the importance of that scroll.'


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Author's Note:
Starting off strong!!! Your family is probably dead asf 💀💀

This is a really fun idea for me since I've never really seen anything interesting with fanfics. There's only a handful of them that have an interesting plot and also have the author's love to continue to finish it. I've been into writing for a bit so I thought why not take a shot in the dark? I'm an artist with many ideas I can't express out so.. hope you'll like the first chapter! 

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