I'm not guest. I'm a prisoner

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Annabeth sat in the large room in Percy's 'apartment'. Really she would call it more of a mansion. The door was locked and she was too high up to try the windows. The image she had seen not two hours ago was still flashing in her head.

She had tried to escape but Nico had locked her in this room. Suddenly the door opened to reveal a brown haired and brown haired woman. she smiled at her as she shut the door behind her and set down a plate of blue cookies.

"Hello," she said sitting down beside Annabeth,"my name is Sally. I'm Percy and Nico's mom." Annabeth stared at her,"how are you so calm? I'm basically a prisoner and your son probably just killed someone." Sally sighed loudly.

"Yes he probably did," she said,"and yes you are basically a prisoner but do you even know why?" Annabeth opened and closed her mouth her brain unable to give an answer. "See," said Sally,"you don't know why."

"Fine then," Annabeth said crossing her arms,"tell me."

---I'm telling the story in flashback form--

"Stop it," Percy shouted standing protectively in front if his mother and brother. His dad only stared down at him before smacking him aside. "You aren't anyway strong enough to face me yet boy," the man snarled. "Stop it Klaus," Sally shouted holding back his arm from hitting Percy again.

Klaus glared at Sally and shook her arm off. "We are going hunting tonight," Klaus said his red eyes staring them down,"we all need to eat." At that, Klaus stalked out slamming the door behind him.

Sally helped her son to his feet. "Are you alright," she asked concern evident in her voice. He waved her off. "I'll be fine," he said,"but I'll be better when I run that monster out of town."

Throughout the next century, Percy gained more and more power. He soon held the whole supernatural community of New York in the palm of his hand. He ran this town with an iron fist and calm demeanor. All to keep his family safe.

----story end----

Annabeth was shocked by the story. Sally left as she processed. The only thing that snapped the blonde out of her thoughts was Percy entering the room. She stared up at him and he stared back. She could already tell this was gonna be one awkward talk.

Vampires of New York-A Percy Jackson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now