Coffee for two

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Disclaimer-I don't own Percy Jackson or any references to the show The Originals. I'm not repeating this so yeah.

Chapter 1 Percy

Percy walked down to his favorite coffee shop laughing with his good friend Leo. Leo was cool for a werewolf and helped him get insiders info about the areas packs. As they entered the shop, Percy stopped as he caught the scent of a human that had been marked for protection by his recent creation Thalia. He turned to see a blonde girl with princess curls tied up in a ponytail and grey glasses hunched over an incredibly thick book. "Hey man you okay," Leo asked snapping Percy out of his thoughts. He looked sheepish at being caught staring,"yeah man. I'm fine." He turned to see Travis Stoll, son one of the few witches in his families employment, working the counter. The witch in training gave him a grin as he said,"the usual?" Percy nodded eagerly knowing that the coffee shop secretly stored blood to mix into the coffee of their more special customers. While waiting he sat down across from the blonde girl curious about why Thalia would be trying to protect her. "Hello," he said tapping the book to get her attention. The girl lowered the book and a blush crept across her face as she stuttered,"H-hi." Percy grinned,"i couldn't help but notice your book. I'm Percy. Are you interested in the supernatural?" The girl nodded eagerly,"yeah. I'm Annabeth. My friend Thalia got me hooked. You don't happen to know anything about vampires do you? The myths differ too much." Percy felt a smirk creep into his face. "I would have to say I'm an expert actually," he leaned forward to prop his head up with his hands,"tell me what you know."

-Line break-

Luke watched as Annabeth talked with that disgusting abomination. His hand tightened on the vial filled with vervain in his pocket. Why did she have to break up with him of all people? Her dad had asked him to protect her and she just thought he was crazy when he threatened that female vampire to stay away. Couldn't she see he was looking out for her? Luke had been following Annabeth for a week now checking up on her and now she does this! He stiffened more when he heard her laugh at something the bloodsucker said. Luke's blood boiled at the grin that spread across the vampire's face as the two exchanged numbers. Suddenly he saw the boy's face more clearly as he got up to get his coffee. No! It couldn't be! She had managed to catch the eye of an Original! Dread coursed through Luke's veins making him feel sick. He had to protect her. He just had to.


Percy could see why Thalia liked the girl. Though he was surprised to find out she was a prominent hunters daughter. He felt a mischievous smirk find it's way across his face. Well he always did love messing with those foolish mortals. He would pay a lot of money to see the look on her father's face when she told him about the guy she met today. He waved at her happily as he left with Leo. This mortal sure would be interesting.

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