The group moved on after a while and they followed after Luna that lead them to a tall large tower that was part of the giant wall. "Now... We're finally going to the shipbuilding island by using a water gate elevator." Nami was looking down at the map all excited.
"A water gate elevator?" Luffy was half asleep.
"It's the large tower-like building." Luna pointed at to them as they gone under a bridge as they were heading to the tower which she had pointed out to them.
"Please come in!" A woman standing at the entrance side was shouting as a bunch of people were also heading for it as well. "The elevator will go to the shipbuilding island, shipbuilding plant, and downtown Water Seven!" She was informing all those entering as there were multiple Water Elevators that took people to different parts of the island. "Please hurry inside the gate! One minute until the gate gets closed!" Luffy and that were entering only to find a man made waterfall at the back of it, coming from a tunnel.
"What'll happen inside?" Luffy have become excited at the suspense, when the entrance behind them had closed up, making it dark. "Whoa! The water gate is now closed!" Soon followed by water being to flood the town, causing them to head upwards, towards the light above.
"We're going up! We're going up! We're going up!" Usopp was saying as they did.
"How is this possible?" Nami was asking all excited as she thought of how it worked.
"When the gate is closed the water has nowhere to escape so the water is forced to go up." Luna explained it to her, of course.
"So that's why it's called a water gate elevator." She realised after listening to the woman.
"Whoa! Water Seven is interesting!" Luffy didn't understand but he stilled liked it.
"So they use water for all sorts of things!" And it wasn't long until they reached the top to have the gates open up and show the shipbuilding island before them. "We're here!" And everyone that came out of the elevator scattered. While Luffy and that were amazed by the seen before them. It was far more amazing then from when they saw the island form a far. "So this is the world's No. 1 shipyard! Downtown Water Seven!" He shouted.
"As expected, I see more ground around here." Usopp states which was true, since this area was mostly used for the shipwrights to build and repair all types of ships.
"Things are huge all over!" Luffy had no idea what they were by he still found it amusing.
"I've never seen a huge town like this!" Usopp was all excited about that fact.
"Seeing that fountain up close makes it look especially big!" Nami pointed that out to them looking up at the large fountain centred in the middle and top of this entire island. But Luna didn't seem all impressed by it all.
"What's with that crowd?" Usopp asked noticing the large group of people gathering around a huge metal gate that had the no. 1 on it. "Aren't they watching the shipyard?"
"Let's go see it! Go, Yagara!" Of course, Luffy was heading right for it without hesitation forcing the others to follow after him. "Hey, pops." He had gone up to the closer person to him, once he had gotten out of the boat to the piece of land. "Did something happen?"
"Yeah. It seems that some pirates caused a ruckus at this here Dock #1." The old man answered him saying that in the end the shipwrights had knocked them down then saying that there was no end to those fools.
"Shipwrights beat pirates up?" Luffy asked a bit surprised by this, but both Nami and Usopp were as well.
"Oh, you must be a voyager. That crowd is... well, in story, busybodies. Those shipwrights at Galley-La Company are admired by all the residents. They're strong... and skilled. They're the pride of Water Seven."
"Wow, I'm looking forward to meeting them!" Luffy's eyes were sparkling in excitement, until Usopp fell backwards due to all the gold in the stack. Nami refused to leave it behind so he had been forced to carry as Luffy was too excited and left it.
"Hey, Luffy!" Nami pulled his attention. "Let's hurry up and go to the money-changing shop. We can come back here later." She informed him and he was happy about that. Off they went, down town the Cashing bank that was large and made of Gray strong unlike other buildings.  "This is the place." They we standing from of it not noticing the man that was sitting off the fronts side. All but Luna, but that wasn't why she came to a stop. She turned around upon feeling that she was being watched. In fact, she felt that way since leaving the shipyard before. She had glanced around since whoever they were, they were concealing their presence, which was extremely suspicious. "Luna, you coming?" Nami asked the woman, Nothing her just standing there. But without a word she entered before the girl as the boy's were both already at one of the three counters. She took a seat on the couch located a few feet away from them, which Nami had sat down beside her.
"So, What do you want?" The man serving the guys had been extremely rude asking them this.
"We want to cash for our stuff." Luffy had plainly told him, not noticing how rude the guy was. "How much is this gonna be?" He lifted yo the sake of gold which had changed the guy's tones when he saw it open. He had ran off all creaming and panicked. It wasn't long after that, when the manger came to meet them and directed the whole group to the VIP room. "Wow! This is comfy!" Luffy was bouncing up and down on the couch they were now sitting on.
"Yeah! Hey, this is really bouncy!" As was Usopp, he was sitting next to him. He was asking if it had water in it, as it was so bouncy. As they were doing that, the owner was examining the gold laying out in front of him. "Hm? Hey, don't tell me you're gonna say they're fake?"
"F-Far from it! I've been an appraiser for 25 years." The owner responded to him. "This is roughly estimated at..."
"O-One hundred million berries!?" Luffy had shouted at the top of his lungs?
"I-Idiot! You're too loud! Everyone can hear you!" Usopp was telling him.
"Y-Y-You're gonna give us that much money!?" But he was still shouting.
"L-Like... Like I said, Luffy, you're too loud!" And Usopp was still trying to make him be quite.
"This is indeed worth that much. This is wonderful gold, taking its historical value and purity into account..." the owner explained in more detail,
"With that much money, we can fix the Merry good!" Luffy was all happy about that fact.
"Yeah! We'll even get some change." As was Usopp,
"Then, we'll spend the rest of the money to buy a bronze statue!" But he was still stuck in the bronze statue of himself, but Usopp was saying don't buy it.
"If you accept that amount, please sigh and put your thumbprint here. I'll go prepare the money immediately." The owner held up a piece of paper, but his behaviour seemed slightly off.
"Okay! I'll put however many thumbprints you want!" Luffy didn't seem to noticed it though.
"If that's not enough, I'll put mine, too!" Nor did Usopp, but of course, there were two that did. Luffy had dipped his thumb with ink and was about to place it down on the paper, when the foot belonging to Nami had landed on the table before the owner.
"What? What's the matter, Nami?" Luffy was asking her, as he was confused to her behaviour.
"There're three things I want to say, Mr. Appraiser." His face had gone completely blue as Nami said that. "First... I forgot to tell you, but this guys got a 100 million bounty on his head." She had pulled luffy into in front of her. The owner when even bluer. "Second... I don't accept the appraisal you've just given us. Third... if you lie to us again, we'll go after you head. That is all." She was completely threatening as she said the 'we'll go after you head' part.
"Word of advice, of you want to lie. Make sure you do a better job." Luna had been the one to speak up, and his face had gone completely pale upon seeing the bloodthirsty glare she was giving him.
"I...I'm sorry!" It wasn't long after when the owner brought them three hundred million berries.
"Th-Three hundred million berries!? Isn't this a dream?" Usopp was asking since he didn't want to wake up if it was.
"Our adventure on the sky islands has finally borne fruit!" Nami was extremely delighted, throwing the money she was about to scoop up into the air. Again and again. "I'm supper rich!"
"That should be 'we'!" Luffy and Usopp shouted correcting her. Luna seemed to be the only one that wasn't all that impressed. And with the god now cash and stacked into three suitcases, Luffy and that began walking out the door.
"I-I-It became 300 million! I'm scared! I'm carrying 100 million?" Usopp was clutching onto the suitcase is caring.
"Well, Nami and Luna can really make scary threats, huh?" Luffy was swinging his suit case around and around.
"Luna and I estimates it to be that much from the start. But then he said 100 million. You two were restless, so he didn't take us seriously, right Luna?" Nami had turned around to them dark hair woman, that was looking up to the building in front of them, across the water.
"Hey, Luffy. If you flail it like that..." Usopp was getting even more nervous watching him do it.
"Well, Anyway, I'm glad it went well." Luffy said but then lost the suitcase he was holding that was sent flying.
"Ahhh! The river!" Nami and Usopp screamed watching it about to fall into the sea,
"10 million berries are gonna sink into the river!" And they had both leaped over, trying to catch it, completely forgetting Luffy can stretch his arm to grab it.
"Phew! That was close!" Which was what he did and they had fallen into the water.
"I'm gonna knock you out!" Nami cried after they swam back to shore.
"I'm gonna break your teeth, you son of a bitch!" Along with Usopp, but they already did both, as Luffy was on the ground apologising.
"Hey Luna!" It was then when Nami noticed Luna. "Where are you going?!" She shouted as the back of the dark hair woman was walking away.
"It's none of your business." She responded, not even looking back at them Before going around the corner and disappeared

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