Tom's Workers!

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Luna stood in the workshop that used to belong to Tom's Workers, with one of the former members Cutty Flam that went by Franky now. Eyes had were wide as he listened to the woman speaking to him, his face going paler and paler as she did. But he wasn't the only one, Usopp who was listening also turned pale. "Wait! You're working with the World Government!?"
"You don't listen, do you?" Luna looked to the long nose teen speaking. "This is something that must happen, or nothing with change."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean—" She came to a stop as her head wrapped around to the entrance of the warehouse. Which was when both of Franky's sister had been nocked our by someone.
"Mozo! Kiwi! Wh-Who's there!?" Franky had shouted.
"Pardon me... for interrupting." The one that stood before them was Kalifa. "It's just, these two ladies didn't let us in, so..." and she wasn't alone as the rest of CP9 were standing there behind her. Seeing this, had caused both Franky and Usopp to sweat at the sight of them.
"Miss Athena, you're already here." Lucci had ended the the warehouse, causing Luna's eyes to narrow when seeing him. "How long have you been here?"
"I only just got here." She lied while turning to face him. Luna had one good poker face as she stood looking up at the man that came inside more.
"The secretary at Galley-La!" Franky, filled with anger had began to charge at them. "What the hell are you bastards doing here!?" He tried to strike her with his right fist, but had been stopped by Blueno, as he pulled out his left arm to protect her.
"Iron Body!"
"Hm? You son of a bitch!" Franky sent his left hook at the man and somehow managed to push him back, which was quite surprising to him. Franky had then grabbed onto the bull man's face. "Blueno! What's the meaning of..." But he had his own face grabbed in return. "Huh? What's this? How cocky...! Who do you think I am?!" But Franky was backing down and even managed to lift Blueno up off the ground. "Who are you trying to pick a fight with!? You're only a bull bar owner!" Franky's face had been released as Blueno was having difficulties. "What's up with that getup?! You seem different from your usual self!" It seemed that Blueno was beginning to become annoyed, which was why his right hand had it's index finger out, ready for him to use the Finger Pistol on Franky which he sent at the man's chest
"Enough." But he had been stopped by Luna grabbing into his wrist. And before anyone had know what happened, the blue hair man was sent flying off.
"H-Hey! A-Are you okay!?" Usopp was freaking out seeing him now on the ground. "Oi, Luna! Why did you do that!?" His attention turned to the woman, that lowered her leg down, having been the one to kick Franky.
"Because I can't kill him yet." She answered, flicking her hair.
"Oi, Hang In there!" Usopp was back to worrying about Franky. While her attention had caused her to glare Blueno.
"Sorry." Who knew why she did that.
"Wh-Wh-What!s going on!? Hey!" Usopp was back onto the group confused out of his mind. "I though I saw them working at the shipyard!" He was pointing at Lucci, Kalifa, and Kaku since he had meet them before.
"What the hell? Why was she able to..." Franky had sat up confused to how Luna was able to kick him. "You bastards! What are you people!?" He had asked the group in black. "You sure are acting pretty super, aren't you?! How dare you hurt innocent girls!? They're like my little sisters, you jerks!" He had stood up, just as angry as before. "To start with, how the hell do you know about this place? This is my secret base!" Luna had glanced at Lucci since she didn't think they knew of this place, unlike her.
"We don't care about that. I'll keep this simple. Listen carefully. Our lives in this town ere a cover. In reality, we are World Government intelligence agents." Lucci was telling anyone and everyone that would listen this secret. "You must know what that means... as well as the reason we came here." At that moment, Franky's eyes feel onto Luna who wasn't looking at anyone but the side of the Going Merry, acting like this didn't involve her. "Franky... we already know everything. Cutty Flam..." The man's face when pale at hearing that name coming from a Government Officer. "Tom's other disciple, who was said to have died eight years ago... that's you."
"I don't know how you found that out... but that's splendid. At the same time, I'm starting to feel uneasy." Franky was saying with cold sweat running down his face. "Is that idiot Iceberg doing okay?"
"We killed him." That had been answered straight out. Which caused Franky's eyes to widen in shock. "Don't try to play innocent we already know everything. Tom handed them down to Iceberg... and Iceberg to you. Our mission took quite a while, but it's finally checkmate. Now, hand over the blueprints for the ancient weapon Pluton, Cutty Flam." However, Franky reminded silent as if he didn't hear anything. "Can you hear me? I'm saying hand them over to us, Cutty Flam." Lucci ordered as if the man would do what he had said.
"I've got nothing I could give you jerks!" Which only caused Franky somehow managed to separate and fire his right arm, that was still chained to him, like a rocket at Lucci. However, all the man did was slightly tilt his head to the right to avoid it. But in less then time to blink, Lucci was right in front of him before he was sent flying off.
"Wh-What just happened!? It was so fast I couldn't see anything." Usopp was panicking as he had been unable to understand what was going on around him. But there was one thing that was clear... "Hey! Are you okay?!" And that was Franky being beaten down laying unconscious in the wall that had been broken by his fall.
"This is..." Lucci had gone over to the blue hair man and saw what was behind the wall
"What's the matter, Lucci?" Kalifa had walked up beside him asking as they looked into the room before them.
"What is this filthy room?" He could only asked as if was covered in dust and clearly hadn't been used in years.
"A drafting room?" The woman looked around and noticed it had tables used for designing ships in them, three, along with books about ship and tools.
"Oh? It's a good place to hide blue prints. Find them!" Lucci ordered that of the other CP9 members, who had ended the room. Luna on the other hand, glanced down at the unconscious Franky, laying on his back on the floor as they stepped over him. But she soon followed after them, entering the room.
"These are... nameplates?" Blueno had gone over to the drafting tables where there were plates on the wall above them. "Cutty Flam." The one he wiped the dust off had written. "Iceberg." He moved on to the next one. "Tom. This name is..."
"This is..." Lucci had noticed a picture frame standing up beside the drafting table belonging to Cutty Flam.
"Don't you dare touch it!" Franky's voice had pulled their attention, as she was no longer unconscious and standing up now. It was then when Luna noticed something on the book shelf. She picked up a small picture frame that was completely covered with dust, which she had blow. However, the moment she saw the picture, looking around to see the others not watching, she took it out before they noticed it and folded them in her pockets. "Don't intrude upon someone's memories! This is where we grew up. The shipbuilding company, Tom's Workers! It's where the world's best shipwrights lived!" He had shouted at them.
"I see... so this filthy warehouse used to be Tom's Workers shipbuilding company's main office, huh?" Lucci had come to realised after hearing Franky.
"A shipbuilding company?" But this was all news to Usopp.
"Tom, Iceberg, and Cutty Flam... so this is a place that holds memories of the three of you devoting yourselves to building ships, huh?" The black hearted man picked up the picture of the workers. Which only seemed to anger Franky more. "To think that you call it a secret base... that's quite adorable." With that being said, it was clearly mocking.
"Shut up! Get out of this place already!" But despite the men's yelling they refused to leave until they got what they want. "The blueprints are not here!"
"Well... that's not surprising." Lucci had kicked and destroyed one of the drafting tables.
"Hey!" But Franky was going to stop him
"Kalifa!" Only ti have the woman pull out a whip with thorns on it. It had wrapped itself around him tightly causing thorns to stab him and blood spill out. 
"Ow...!" He was yelling in pain before he collapsed to the ground. While Usopp, who had been watching the entire time, looked at them in horror.
"Wh-Wh-What do I do?!" He could only asked completely panicked before backing away as CP9 began to leave the office.
"You son of a bitch!"
"You don't have to tell us right away. We've got a trump card. Although this is from eight years ago, I heard that you committed a crime... just like Tom did." Lucci smirked while speaking of this.
"That's a load of crap! Tom wasn't a criminal! Don't talk like you know everything! You brat!" But Franky was furious at hearing someone trash his mentor. however, hearing himself being called a brat didn't please Lucci either, which was why he kicked the man's jaw.
"Stay back!" Usopp had pulled out his sling shot, ready to fire it
"Don't make a fuss. You're a criminal. You should know what will happen to you." But he was completely ignored as the others were looking down at Franky on his back.
"You don't know anything... anything about Tom... anything about Water Seven!" However, Luna did know. She knew all to well of what had transpired in the past. Over 25 years ago, the man known as Tom, a fishman from below the ocean, was considered to be one of the gifted shipwrights in the world. He was the cheater of the Oro Jackson, which was the ship that Gol D. Roger sailed on through the Grand Line. However, after the death of Roger, he was arrested. Although building a ship for pirates is generally not considered a crime (as the shipwrights have no control over who mans their ships), a special case had to be made for Tom because his client was the Pirate King. To escape execution, Tom made an agreement with the judge: given 10 years, he could save his dying home city of Water 7, by constructing an unprecedented Sea Train which could traverse even the roughest of weather to deliver and receive goods and services. Thus, Tom's trial went into recess for a decade, to reconvene after the Sea Train's completion. Tom's trial was also a front for another mission the World Government was undertaking at the time. They knew Tom was the holder of a copy of the blueprints for Pluton, an ancient warship of power so great that its name survived the passage of time (or perhaps the cataclysm that blotted out most of the world's history). Tom's possession of the blueprint led other factions of the Government to seek it. After Tom finally completed the Sea Train (taking 4 extra years to add extra rails), Tom was finally allowed to be pardoned for any crime he desired. However, the man in charge was angry at the hassles of trying to get Tom to hand over Pluton to him, therefore, he, in an effort to secure the blueprints, hired people to steal and man the ships of Tom's student, Cutty Flam, to attack Water 7 at the resumption of Tom's trial. Though he knew Cutty Flam to be innocent, Tom took responsibility for the actions of his pupil's ships and decided to claim his pardon against the attack on Water 7. This action thus reinstated his original sentence and he once again was accused of building Roger's ship. Tom finally owned up to building the Oro Jackson; not only that, but claimed he was proud to have done as it was the true meaning of being a shipwright. Tom was escorted on the sea train he built to Enies Lobby, where he was allegedly executed shortly thereafter. Luna knew all this, due to one fact and one fact only... she was there for all of events that had transpired, from the moment the Oro Jackson was built over 25 years ago...
"You were a fool... that was too proud..."she couldn't help but think of that man in such a way. However, it wasn't because she hated the old deceased fishman. She couldn't understand his actions back then, but it wasn't like she understood them now either. Despite what some people believe, humans and fishman weren't all that different. In fact, the only difference was there outer appearance which is why Luna couldn't understand these creatures that are supposed to possess intelligence.
"What we heard about Tim is that he had good skills, but he was a ferocious and intractable fishman with superhuman strength." Lucci speaking had pulled Luna from her thoughts. "Even if we ask the townspeople, they just speak ambiguously. It must be tough to be a disciple that has to defend such a man, huh, Cutty Flam?" She couldn't help by slightly glance to the man that said those words. It wasn't a glare, but it wasn't a happy look either.
"That's not even worth responding to." Franky had stated, pretty much refusing to say anything to agree with the man. Not that he would either way. "You Government people are all crap!"
"What!" Hey, hey..." Usopp was in the background shocked at what he just said.
"At that time, more than 100 people, including marines and offices, severely injured here in Water Seven. The culprit behind it was you. You had a lot to answer for, causing the world government that much trouble, but since you were confirmed dead in the sea train incidents on that very day, and your charge was annulled." Lucci had explained to him that they were now to take him to Enies Lobby as a criminal. It was there were he would take his time there answering all the questions Lucci wanted... and that was the whereabouts of the blueprints for Pluton. "Blueno."
"Yeah. It just connected." The bull like man had a Transponder Snail in hand, that he had picked up before moving towards Franky.
"When I reported this case to our chief, he said he wanted to talk to you right away, so..."
"Your chief? Hm?" The speaker had been held up to Franky.
"Please go ahead, Cheif." Blueno had said with the Snail still in hand.
"Ouch! It's hot! It's hot! It's hot! I spilled the coffee! Dammit! Stupid coffee!" A complete and utter idiot was shouting from the other end of the Snail, along with glass being broken.
"What the hell?" Usopp wasn't all that sure of what was going on at the other end.
"Are you there...Cutty Flam?" They seemed to know who Franky was
"Hm?" But he didn't know them
"It's been a while. I never thought you'd survived that... it's hard to believe, but I'm happy to hear it." There was clearly amusement in his voice, however, Franky didn't know who he was. "During these past eight years... every time my scars hurt, I was tormented by an anger that I couldn't take out on anyone... because the culprit who hurt me died!"
"I'll ask again! Who the hell are you!?"
"You don't remember me?" Franky was even more confused then before. "I'm the man who was from Cipher Pol No. 5 and arrested Tom's Workers red-handed for attack the Judicial Ship eight years ago!" His laugher come through the Transponder Snail
"You're the Spanda Bastard!" Franky had finally come to realised who the man was.
"You forgot the 'm'! Spandam!" The man, Spandam had corrected him in anger. "I eagerly await your arrival at Enies Lobby! Alright, guys! Hurry up and bring that criminal here!" And then not long after them for some reason Spandam was shouting in pain on the other end about a lamp.
"Roger." But Everyone had completely ignored it like this was a regular thing. The Snail had then lost the connection and Blueno began to tie Franky up after shoving him into a sack.
"Let me go, dammit!" And he was protesting.
"Let's go." Which had fallen on death ears as they began to leave, walking right passed Usopp like he didn't exist. Even Luna was like that.
"Oi, Wait! Let him go!" But for some reason the teen had pulled back his slingshot pointing at CP9, however, when Lucci turned around with a death glare... "Pardon me." His attitude did a completely 180.
"Oi! Ever heard of following through!?" Franky shouted at him, since he was shocked at how easily Usopp gave up.
"You're one of the Straw Hats, aren't you?" Kaku had turned around noticing, but it was upon realising that which caused the long squared nose man to attack after hearing that Usopp was no longer a member of the crew any longer a member.
"Ah...he's down." Franky wasn't all that surprised at the sight of Usopp collapsing after coughing up blood.
"I see. You left the Straw Hat crew, but you're still a Pirate, huh? If you're a Pirate, we'll take you with us." Kaku was saying after listening it was then when he called to Kalifa that knew to tie him up like Franky as well. "As for this ship..." His attention was pulled to the Going Merry that was badly patched up before him. " still haven't disposed of it?"
"Oi! Don't you you dare touch her, you bastard!" Usopp shouted, not having lost consciousness yet as he saw Kaku walking over to the ship. However, he didn't listen as he detached the hooks that were keeping it above water to fix it. The Merry creaked echoed in the warehouse loudly. "W-What are you doing? Didn't you hear me!?" Kaku was walking off towards the gate.
"Even thought we were undercover, our work here as shipwrights was hones." The man  had explained before he had opened up the warehouse's ship gate open where the wind blow strongly outside. "You need to understand that when it's over, it's over."
"What do you care!?" Usopp shouted at him to leave the Merry alone as she wasn't his ship.
"This will let the water out, right?" Kaku had asked as a leaver was beside the water.
"Wait! Quit messing around! Luna! Stop him!" Usopp had pleaded to her.
"That's right." But she didn't answer it but Kaku, who had then pushed the leaver. The water had spilled out while Usopp took off running as the Going Merry began to follow the water way. 
"Please stop!" He cried about to grab ahold of the leaver, if Kalifa hadn't wrapped him up in their throne whip.
"MERRY!!" He cried out as the ship fell into the sea, no longer being able to do anything.

The storm had picked up really badly, the waves were rocking out of control along with the sound of the wind blowing strongly. It was due to this fact that there was only one train left to take from Blue Station that was surrounded on the outside by members of the marine and the World Government. "Sir Corgi!" A Officer had called out to an average sized man, with grayish blonde hair, sideburns and a mustache. He had a scar running across the right side of his face and wore the standard government official uniform, consisting of a white shirt with a black tie, a dark blue suit with the World Government logo on the left side, and a dark blue brimmed hat. "CP9 is here!" All had frozen upon hearing that, not to mention seeing the small group walking for them.
"You bastard! Let me go! How many times do I have to tel you!?" Franky, Who was being carried by Blueno along
"I said let me go!! I'm saying you guys're scary!" With Usopp were both shouting as they struggled to break free of the sacks and ropes that had them trapped.
"Whoa... That's Rob Lucci. How intimidating... So, they're CP9..." A Marine was saying while watching them completely all-struck at the sight.
"I know them all, but who's the black hair woman? The one with red tips?" Another had asked, since this was the first time they've seen Luna.
"Don't you know? That's the Athena!" Someone had hissed back to him.
"Wait! As in the Apostle of the Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare?" He couldn't believe it, looking back to the young woman. "I though she would be older."
"How many times do I have to tell you!? Let me go, You bastards!"
"You guys're scary!
"Let me go!" Kaku ended up stricking Franky to shut him up.
"Hey! Where are you taking me!? You guys're not gonna get away with this!" But Usopp continued to shouted. "Just you wait and see: I've got eight thousand men under me and..." But then he too was stricken by Kalifa. It was then when Luna had come to a stop, she had looked off into an alley way.
"Is something the matter, Miss Athena." Kaku had asked her, upon noticing that she stopped. However, she didn't answer while seeing smoke coming from the alley she was looking at, which meant someone was there smoking and even saw a shadow that moved away when they clearly noticed Luna spotting him.
"No, it's nothing." She finally answered lying, before walking off after the others. The marines and the Government Officers were lined saluting as CP9 and Luna we're heading for the station.
"Good work on your long-term mission, sirs and madams!" Although, Luna really didn't count, but the man Corgi had showed her respect either way. "Mr. Lucci, here is you coat." He had pulled a fur coat over the shoulders of the leader.
"This looks pompous." Lucci had responded while telling Corgi to stop it.
"Yes, sir. R-Right away!" He had become nervous while saluting.
"This isn't a game. Stay focused!" Lucci told the other members to get on the train, which they all began to board upon reaching the train. While Franky was still shouting only to get wacked by Kaku again. When they boarded the train, Franky and Usopp were sent off into a different cart of the train as those from CP9 and Luna entered the second cart.
"Due to the approaching storm surge, the departure time has been moved up on the train will leave soon." A woman's voice had spoken over the speaker through the station over the sound of a bell ringing.
"Our mission is mostly completely, huh?" Kalifa stated to the other members as they had began taking their seats.
"Restrain yourself from making such a frivolous comment until we get there. Idiot." But Lucci had said that to her, as the others were silent.
"Pardon me." It wasn't long until the train took off but not before Luna glanced outside seeing a familiar shadow in the station.
"Let's this finally begin."

Battling the Demon (One piece)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant