Chapter 18: Birthday

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Ino woke up to smell of her favourite food, pancakes. She scurried downstairs nearly falling over three times, to her surprise Naruto was there cooking.

"How'd you sleep birthday girl?" Naruto said.

"Great, are you really making me pancakes?" Ino asked.

"Of course I am, the birthday girl deserves to be spoiled." Naruto turned and gave her a warm-hearted smile.

"Thank you Naruto, you're literally perfect." Ino came up behind him and hugged him.

After a while she sat down at the table and waited patiently. Minutes later Naruto came over with a plate of pancakes, two more plates and cutlery. He put them all down and went back to the kitchen coming out with maple syrup, butter, strawberry's and juice.

"I hope you like them, I'll have the one I burnt." Naruto said as he sat down next to Ino.

"Thank you again." Ino leaned in next to her lover and they kissed.

"Now let's eat." Naruto said, moments later his stomach grumbled. They both laughed.

"Naruto you may have to ditch being Hokage, your cooking is phenomenal!" Ino said with a mouth full of pancake and maple syrup.

"Is it really that good?" Naruto asked.

"Yes!" Ino exclaimed.

"Aww thank you Ino." Naruto blushed like an idiot.

A knock was at the door.

"I'll get it." Naruto said getting up.

Naruto opened the door and was greeted by an Anbu.

"Tsunade has requested you go to the Land of Lightning for your training. There you will train to become Hokage but more importantly, to control the nine-tails." The Anbu said then flickered away.

Naruto came back and sat down.

"What was that about?" Ino asked having her last bite.

"More stuff about the mission... Gotta learn to control the Nine-Tails." Naruto said sadly.

"It will go well, trust me." Ino patted him on the back.

"But last time I hurt Pervy Sage! If I hurt yo-" Ino brang Naruto in for a hug.

"I will make sure that I won't be near you during the training." Ino reassured her boyfriend, he loosened up.

"Okay, thank you." Naruto said quietly.

The hug broke off and Naruto finished his pancakes and cleaned up. "He's becoming really responsible lately, I wouldn't mind if we got married soon." Ino thought, she had already bought him a ring but she was waiting until his birthday in thirteen days.

"Hey Naruto?" Ino called out from the table.

"Yeah?" Naruto looked at her.

"I love you." Ino said smiling like an idiot.

Naruto walked over and kissed her. After the kiss broke off he rubbed his nose from side to side with hers. Both of them a shade of red.

Ino looked away embarrassed, that was her favourite thing in the whole world and made her feel like jelly.

Naruto walked upstairs.

He came back down three minutes later with presents.

"Leave this one for last." Naruto said, picking it up and holding it.

Ino opened her first present, it was one of the newest line of dresses that she really wanted.

"Naruto! How'd you know." Ino exclaimed.

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