Healing Takes Time

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Ravens head feels groggy, she can't think straight. Her eyes start opening to be greeted by a bright light. Her eyes drift to her left and she spots a yellow blur. "Bee?"

Bumblebee quickly turns around after hearing his name, Ratchet is also at her side in an instant. Ratchet says something but Raven doesn't quite hear him; everything still sounds as if she's underwater. She sits up off the table she's lying on, she feels a cold metal servo help her up, she doesn't know who it belongs to.

"The effects should wear off in a couple minutes." This time Raven hears Ratchet, his voice is no longer muffled.

"Effect of what?" Raven asks, bringing her hand away from her head. Raven automatically goes to stretch out her wings, as she would ever other morning, but stops when sudden sharp pain goes shooting through her left wing, Raven lets out a gasp.

"Don't move it." Ratchet scolds. "I tried patching it up as best I could, I had Leo help me but obviously it's not restricting your movements enough. Raven your wing was completely shattered, the scan I did didn't look good. I tried my best to get the bones back together, so no using it until I say so." Ratchet adds in a stern tone, hoping that she'll actually listen, unlike some bots.

Raven gives Ratchet a quick glance before looking at her wing, it looks horrible, feathers are broken off and squished in the areas she can see. Most of it is covered in white gauze and has a metal brace going all the way along the bone. She couldn't move it much even if she wanted to. She looks at her surroundings, she's not anywhere that she recognizes. "Where are we?"

"Home." Bumblebee says.

"Your home? Cybertron?" Raven asks confused.

Bumblebee shakes his head from side to side. "Spaceship."

"Oh..." Raven looks around, "so this is what it looks like on the inside."

"What do you mean?" Ratchet asks. "You haven't been here at all before."

"Well not inside of it. When you guys came to earth I came to investigate, that's when I—uh, saw you and followed you to the car dump." Ravens eyes lower to her hands, remembering Kim when she had called her asking about the 'earthquake' while she was investigating their ship. The thought struck her instantly, she'll never have another call from her sister again, never hear her voice, she'll never be able to go visit that apartment again, sit and watch movies with her or laugh at their terrible jokes together. A wave of sadness hits Raven like a train, she would have happily taken Kim's place, just as long as her sister kept living a happy life.

Bumblebee whirs at her. "I'm fine Bee. Just gotta keep moving forward right?" Raven replies.

"It's normal to grieve for lost ones." Ratchet tells Raven.

"I've seen a lot of loss. I think I can handle it Ratchet." Raven snaps at the medic. Silence takes over the room, Ratchet and Bumblebee spare each other a glance before Ratchet speaks up again.

"We have Kim with us, when you're ready."

"I want her to be with our parents." Raven determines.

Ratchet nods slowly. Raven gets up off the table, Ratchet leaves the room first and Bee follows behind Raven. It's a lot brighter than Raven thought it would be, they walk through a large hallway and when they emerge on the other side of it she's greeted with what looks like a living room but for Autobots. If you keep walking forward, straight through what looks like a doorway there's another room which could be classified as the kitchen. If you take a left from the living room you start going down to the living quarters, and if you take a right you're greeted with a huge room full of computer monitors, but much more advanced, if you go straight through this room the door to the outside is right there. Raven follows Ratchet into the so called kitchen, Bee close behind. Optimus, Ironhide and Leo are there, Raven wonders what time it is, is it morning? Evening?

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