With the Help of Wally!

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The light shined brightly, and the Fwagon was still going. Hop Pop didn't get any sleep, but instead, kept the cart going. He was struggling to stay awake, along with Bessie, who was running quickly almost all night.
Everyone in the Fwagon, however, asleep on each other. Anne was faceplanted on the ground, as Sprig slept on her head, purring in his sleep. Polly and Ivy leaned on each other, Wally used his Bugcordian as a pillow, as he snoozed away, even Maddie was on the couch, resting peacefully.

The young Newt child wasn't asleep, in fact, he didn't go to sleep at all. He just used a nearby item as a lantern, and continued to read almost every single book on the shelf.

"Hmm..." He softly said, tilting his head at the book he was reading.

He was at his 47th book, and he wasn't as bored of it.
The wheels of the Fwagon were squealing loudly, as the wheels were worn down. Hop Pop having a hard time keeping himself awake.

"Nope... Nope... Nope..." He slowly said, continuing to try and yell out, but his vocal cords were weak, since he cried out the same words overnight.

The Fwagon went on for a few more seconds, before finally breaking down, causing a huge thud, and woke everyone up.

"Huh-? What?!" Mostly everyone said.

Sprig was caught in Anne's arms, as he yawned.

"Hm? Oh, you guys are awake." The Newt said.

"What was that?" Ivy asked.

"We should check!" Wally said.

Everyone, except Polly, walked out of the Fwagon.

"You guys go ahead... I'm gonna try to sleep some more." Polly said.

Anne opened the door, and everyone else walked out. Anne turned over to Hop Pop, and woke him up.

"Yo, H.P! Wake up!" Anne snapped her fingers.

"...Nope." He whined.

"H.P!" She yelled.

"ACK! I'M AWAKE!" He cried out.

Anne flinched at the sight of Hop Pop, he looked sleep deprived.

"Geez, you feelin' ok?" She asked.

"No... I haven't gotten sleep all night..." He replied.

"Maybe you should rest, I'll take over the Fwagon." Anne replied.

She helped Hop Pop down, as he yawned.

"Yeah, good idea..." Hop Pop replied.

As he struggled to open the door, being too tired to realize that the door was already opened, and he was pushing the side of the Fwagon. Moments later, The Newt looked over at the Frog.

"Say, uh, do you have a spare wheel? Looks like we need a new one." He said.

Anne and Hop Pop turned over to the child.

"What's wrong with one wheel?" Hop Pop asked.

The three walked over to the side of the Fwagon, where everyone else was. They looked at the wheel, and Hop Pop flinched at the sight.

"Aw, geez, looks like I must've hit a large rock." Hop Pop said, scratching his head.

"Looks more like somethin' chewed the wheel." Maddie replied, examining the wheel.

Sprig walked up to them, and everyone turned to him. They quickly noticed that the bite marks matched his fangs.

"Seriously?!" Hop Pop asked.

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