Transformation: Part 2

Start from the beginning

That was what the Wish Granter told her. Take love? How? Falling in love, finding love in friends and her hobbies. That was what first came to mind.

But she and Yu Jin had already been dating for a month. Seunghee was a devoted friend to her from the beginning. And she'd danced almost every day for two weeks. A gut feeling told her she couldn't wait any longer.

"How the heck do you take love anyways," Chrissy mused to herself. She'd recalled reading a mushy romance book where a girl sold love potions. Did she need to take a love potion? Or give someone a love potion?

"Ughhhhhhh this is so hard," Chrissy whined. Having a time limit, along with death staring her in the face didn't help.

Even though she'd been thinking about the issue in every spare moment she had, she hadn't come to any conclusions. Nothing that wouldn't result in other people getting hurt, at least.

Yu Jin was stereotypical love, so she supposed starting with him would be the best idea. Maybe she wasn't feeding off love the right way, and needed to be in her true form!

The Wish Granter said something about people not loving her for who she really was. Telling Yu Jin would change everything. What if he left her? What if he leaves like they always do? Whenever I take off my mask, they don't come back.

She supposed she should ask Seunghee for advice tomorrow. She was way better at romance stuff.

Meanwhile, Chrissy decided to have a little fun. Hey, if I'm not gonna gain any weight, I should at least make the most out of the situation. I can eat whatever the heck I want!

She crammed a fistful of chocolate chips into her mouth and cracked open a romance novel. She resorted to eating them one by one slowly, as she read. Right when she was getting to a particularly juicy kiss in the book, she realized the bag was empty.

Oh well. I supposed whipped cream will do. She headed to the fridge, grabbing it and squirting it straight out of the can and into her mouth, completely forgetting the book. Nothing beats sugar.


"Seunghee, I have a question. It's about relationships," Chrissy started as soon as she and Seunghee met up the next day.

"Go ahead! Wait. it's not about toxic ones, right? Those tend to hit a little too close to home."

"No. Um....let's say you have a secret that no one knows. And, you're getting to know a guy better. You really need to tell him, but you're scared what he might think . What do you do?"

"What kind of secret?" Seunghee asked. "The kind of secret that could change up the entire dynamic of your relationship?"

"Yeah. Something that might even cause a breakup."

Seunghee nodded, pondering the issue. "Look, girl, it's totally fine if you have lots of pimples under the makeup. Trust me, Yu Jin seems like a nice guy, and I think he loves you for you. If a guy only likes you for your looks, he isn't worth fighting for."

"What if it's not about looks?"

"Oh, I see what you mean. The foreboding parents in law who hate you for no apparent reason? Happened to my sister two years ago. Sheesh! The whole situation was a handful!" Seunghee exclaimed. "Yeah, getting your in-laws to like you is hard. Though I don't see why anyone could hate you. You'd be a great daughter-in-law!"

Chrissy smiled, touched by the compliment. "Thank you! You would be too!"

Seunghee shook her head. "Girl, no! I cannot have a serious conversation to save my life. I once laughed at a funeral, because I couldn't stand the tension."

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