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Silence. It is completely silent as the group stops all of their movement and stares at Sehun who only stares down at their scared and concerned facial expressions. Seungcheol stares daggers at Sehun, but doesn't say anything. Junhui holds the hand of Jisoo who is sitting next to him. Seokmin inches closer to Soonyoung who does the same. Seungkwan tries to stay as still as possible, which is almost impossible due to his uncontrollable shaking. The other boys stay as still and quiet as they can, silently freaking out. Jihoon is the calmest out of everyone. Jeonghan is the first to break the silence.

"Sehun, I thought I told you to put that back," he says, cautiously glancing down at the revolver in Sehun's hand.

The older twirls the gun around in his hand. "You know I never listen."

"You don't even know if the safety lock is on!"

Sehun examines the gun before flipping a switch on it, "Now it isn't."

"Jeonghan, you just let him hold a gun," Seungcheol asks, muttering the question to the blonde, clearly aggravated.

"N-no, I didn't," Jeonghan argues, slightly offended that Seungcheol would even say something like that.

Sehun hears the conversation and glances at the two of them before turning his attention back to the entire group.

"Why do you guys look so down? We're playing Mafia! Don't you guys like that game?"

No response.

The older frowns and puts the gun back in his pocket. "I'm gonna assign roles."

Everyone calms down a little bit, but still remains cautious. Jeonghan glances over at Seungcheol only to receive an angry look from the dark haired boy. The younger feels a pang of guilt in his chest. I shouldn't have let him stay, Jeonghan thinks to himself.

"Okay guys, we're gonna play this game a little differently," Sehun states, putting his hand in his back pocket, causing everyone to tense up. "It's the regular game, but with a twist: If you get voted out or killed off by a mafia, then," he pulls the revolver out again, "the trigger gets pulled on you."

"Woah, woah, wait-" Seungcheol starts, standing up so quick, he gets a little dizzy.

"But, the twist is, there's only one bullet in the chamber. There's a 1 out of 5 chance that a bullet will come out", Sehun says, abruptly cutting Seungcheol off.

The thirteen boys look at one another, their mouths gaping open and closed, wanting to speak, but are speechless.

"So, like Russian Roulette," Hansol asks.

Jeonghan's friend nods. A few seconds of silence pass by as everyone thinks about the current situation. Jeonghan usually has a lot to say but right now, he's speechless. He seriously hopes Sehun is joking, but he has a gut-wrenching feeling that he isn't. The blonde boy tries to stay calm but is unable to.

"Sehun, I think you should leave," Jeonghan says quietly.

The older just smirks, "Too bad, Blondie. I'm not going anywhere. Now stop wasting time and close your eyes so I can assign roles, guys."

Everyone but Seungcheol and Jeonghan followed directions. When they both noticed each other the blonde muttered the words, "I'm sorry", but before the older could react, Sehun aimed the gun at them, causing the two boys to flinch violently and tightly close their eyes. After a few seconds, he put the revolver away and announced that he was picking two mafias. He walked around the circle a few times before tapping two people on the shoulder. Then he announced that he was picking a doctor.

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