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"Y/N get up! You're going to be late for school!" I check the clock and realize Jake is right.

"I'm up," I call back. After quickly stretching and taking a shower Jake takes me to school. The drive is quick and feels like it doesn't last long, and those are the worst kinds of car rides when it comes to going to school. When I get out I see Koneko standing outside of the front gate. "Good morning Koneko."

"Good morning Y/N. Ready for class?"

"Nope." She smirks at me.

"Same." The two of us start walking to class and everyone looks at us. People are talking about us and I'm doing my best not to listen, but it's kind of difficult. Having enhanced hearing from becoming a devil makes it all I end up hearing, so much that I'm not really making out anything they're saying. 

"Y/N," Koneko whispers, "you okay?" I give her a nod and we enter the school. We make it to class quickly and I sit down at my seat, waiting for the teacher to start the lesson. My eyes stay to my desk, not wanting to draw any more attention to myself than I already have. It may seem minuscule but I'm not wanting to deal with anyone. People already gave me shit for no reason before, and now that I've walked in with one of the more popular people in school it's bound to get worse. Of course that isn't Koneko's fault, but a lot of people like her and act like she is royalty. In fairness they're the same way with Rias and Akeno, but on a much grander scale. Come to think about it so is Kiba, so when it comes to the ORC I'm really out of place compared to the other four. The teacher enters the classroom and begins the lesson, but I find it hard to pay attention. Koneko seems to notice me not focusing and shoots me a look that is telling me to calm down.

Class flies by really quickly and while it goes on I do my best to at least pretend to pay attention, but to no avail. I've never had trouble with it before, but I guess it's just getting used to everything now that school is going on. I've only been a devil for a couple of days and now I'm trying to adjust to everything in this setting. I look over my shoulder and don't see Star Platinum, but I guess that makes sense. I'm not sure if there's a specific way to summon it or not, but it seems like it knows not to be around in a situation like this. Once class ends I head into the hallway and see Kiba talking with some of his friends. I do my best not to bother him but he notices me.

"Y/N!" He comes my way. "You doing alright today?"

"Yeah I think so. I've just had trouble paying attention today."

"It happens sometimes. After school I'll be coming by your class to get you. Rias wants me to introduce you to the other devils here. She'll be there too so no worries." She did say something about that, but I had forgotten about it.

"Sounds good to me Kiba." He gives me a smile, and I understand why everybody likes him so much. He's really nice, and I think that's part of the reason why he never accepts any of the offers that the girls make for him. All of the girls love Kiba, and if I was a girl I would probably understand. The guys think he is taking all of the girls from them, but a lot of the guys here are perverts so I don't think Kiba is doing anything that they aren't doing to themselves. The bell rings and I know it's time to get back to class.

"Alright Y/N, I'll come get you later."

"Okay." I creep back to class and sit down. Usually I'm the first one to class, but since Kiba stopped me that isn't the case. It may not be the case but I feel like everybody is looking at me.


I make my way to the roof of the school for lunch and look over the schoolyard. Everything seems to be going normal, but I hear footsteps behind me. When I turn I see Koneko.

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