Heart of Fire

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A Week Later

Asia has started to settle in to being a devil now. She still ends up praying sometimes even though she can't anymore it seems like she's still figuring it out. Her and I get along pretty well, and we aren't too different from each other. She started living with Issei, which I'm not sure if that was the best idea or not but it isn't my choice. Asia said she wanted to live there so that's up to her.

Koneko and I make our way to school and see Asia and Issei on their way to the gates as well.

"Good morning," I say to the two of them. They return the gesture and the four of us walk onto campus. Rias said yesterday that there was a surprise for them today, and if I had to guess it's them getting their familiars. Though Asia has only been a devil for a week she's been handling the flier duty pretty well. Since I haven't been doing contracts I was helping her out, showing her how it's done and stuff. During those times she told me about herself and her past, and it made me feel sorry for her. A former nun who was exiled for accidentally healing a devil. After that she was picked up by the fallen angels, and you know the rest. People at school really seem to like her as well, and I'm not surprised considering her personality and how likable she is.

(A/N: I won't say I hate Asia but I'm not the biggest fan of her character. Funnily enough when I was writing a different story of mine I actually started to like her more, even though I'm still not a huge Asia fan.)

The four of us enter the school and Issei and Asia take off to their class. As Koneko and I make our way to class she puts my arm around her. Ever since we got back from saving Asia she's been closer and closer to me. I'm not complaining though, but it's almost like it was out of nowhere.

After School

On the way out of class Koneko and I see the Student Council walking the hallway towards the exit of the school. The two of us catch up to them.

"Hello Miss Sona and everyone else. Where are you all off to?"

"We're actually heading to the ORC. I'm going to introduce Saji to Rias and her house." I give Koneko a quick introduction, one that she doesn't seem that interested in. The rest of the walk is uneventful, mainly just Koneko and I talking to Ruruko. I used what she taught me as something to teach Issei, but he didn't seem to want my help. I didn't quite understand his reasoning, but it was pretty stupid if I recall. Once we reach the club I open the door and allow the council to walk in before me. Once they're in Koneko and I take our seat on the couch. I say seat because her seat is on my lap so we aren't taking up multiple places.

"This is an interesting surprise," Rias says. "It's nice to see you all."

"Likewise," Sona replies. "I wanted to congratulate you on increasing your numbers." She introduces Saji to Issei and Asia and they do the same, though the Pawns get into it with each other about who is better. The three of us all took up four pieces so it isn't like any of us are much more important than the others in a game of attrition. Like I had guessed the surprise was for familiars, though Sona says that she was going to take Saji to get his. After a quick back and forth they decide on a game of tennis between the Kings and Queens to decide which peerage goes first.

"I bet you a million yen that they use magic and break their rackets," Koneko whispers into my ear. I let out a little chuckle and she smiles at me.

The Next Day

After the tennis match, the events of which Koneko predicted perfectly, the groups of us have decided to play dodgeball. The teams are even and I prepare to face off. Before the game starts I go up to Sona and Tsubaki.

"May the best team win Miss Sona." I extend my hand to her and she takes it.

"I agree, so long as it's us." I shake my head at her cockiness, something that she doesn't show all of the time but it comes out. The game begins and I immediately know I want to take her and Tsubaki out first. The two of them are not only an amazing duo but they're also very athletic. As I run for a ball I feel one whiz past my head. Looking to where it was thrown I see it was from Ruroko.

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