"How could you?" April asked, "Are you trying to—to sabotage us all?"

Meredith rolled her eyes, "It's not like it's the black plague."

"You are supposed to be our friend." April freaked out.

"Oh, April, calm down." Meredith waved her hand at her as she got up.

"Oh...y-you stay right where you are, Typhoid Mary." Alex put a hand in front of Meredith as he kept his distance, "Come on." Alex looked at the rest of the group, "Let's go register."

Allison stood in front of Jackson as they waited on line to register due to their last names being in between the letter 'A-F'. April and Alex on separate lines due to their last names being 'K'. Alex got off the phone as he looked at Jackson, "Dude, isn't that your mom?"

Allison eyes widen as she and Jackson moved their hands to see Catherine approaching them, "Baby."

"Oh, no." Jackson sighed as he looked at Allison's freaked out face. The Carter girl hasn't had a proper conversation with Catherine Avery, except that one time she first came to town.

"I know. I know you don't want to see your mother before the boards, but they are wearing this old girl out. Got me examining three sessions tomorrow, and I might not see you, so I had to say good luck." Catherine gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Dr. Carter." Catherine politely greeted Allison, giving her a small smile.

"Dr. Avery." Allison nodded as she smiled at her.

"Oh, and I brought it." Catherine said as she rummaged through her purse.

"Mmh. No, no, that's fine. You don't—-"

"It's in her somewhere." Catherine interrupted Jackson.

"That's fine. That's okay." Jackson assured her, as Allison raised a brow.

"That's what you always say, but you always want it in the end." Catherine dismissed as she reminded him.

"Okay, all right."

"Mom, I'm good." Jackson assured, as Catherine held a gaze that showed him, she didn't believe him. "I am."

"I'm in room 809 when you change your mind."

"All right." The line moved up, seeing as Allison was talking to one of the staff members to get her registration packet.

"Mommy bring you your binky?" Alex teased, looking at Jackson.

"It's my lucky pencil. She brought my lucky pencil."

"You know this is an oral test, right?" Alex asked.

"Yes, I know, okay? It's just, I used it for my S.A.T.s, and my M.C.A.T.s and my intern exam," Jackson explained.

"So it's your binky." Alex shrugged.


Allison grabbed the folder as she walked up to them and patted Jackson's shoulder, "I can't believe you still have it."


"Okay." Jackson spoke up, as Cristina stared at the wall worrying about Meredith and Alex tried to call Arizona again, while Allison sat on the same bed as Jackson and April, "56 year old presents with pancreatic ductal obstruction...and dilated main pancreatic duct. Post-op procedure..." Jackson turned the card, "Yes."

"Dude, give it a rest." Alex commented from the other side of the room, "If we don't know it by now, we're screwed. Besides," Alex shrugged, "You've got your magical pencil to see you through."

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