"We have much to discuss. Shall we begin?" One of the Elders questions. 

"The girls will not speak until their mother arrives." Thaddeus spoke with resolve. His warning clear. 

Foot steps are heard making all turn behind them. Grace walks in, her blonde hair having an auburn tone to it. Her eyes still dancing with the flames he saw earlier that evening. Thaddeus goes to step to her but she takes a step back shaking her head negatively. His heart dropping at her motion towards him. 

"It's not you Thaddeus"

All heads turn to the vampiress whose eyes are now back to their black tone. She turns to look at her mother. Grace continues to not say anything but the flicker of orange still lingers within her eyes. 

"She is still not in control."

"What do you-"

Tara gets up from her seat walking directly towards the group. They part as her eyes remained lock on her mother. The flames simmering looking at her. Tara's hands come up as she places her palms on the side of her head. Both woman's eyes closing as her hands begin glowing. The elders eyes going wide in astonishment as they continue watching her. A moment later, the light fades and Tara slowly removes her hands as they both open their eyes. 

Tara lunges at her mother as Nessa runs to her as well. Kacia slowly releases her mate's hand before coming to hug her mother as well. Grace holds them as tight as she can before slowly releasing them. Tara and Kacia walking back over to the beds. Nessa remaining at her side. Grace then turns to Thaddeus and he finds her blue eyes glistening with tears. He steps quickly embracing her form to his. She hides her face away in his neck as she lowly continues to apologize. For what? He is not sure. After a moment, Penny places her hand on her friend's shoulder making her turn her head. Penny opens her arms wanting a hug as well. 

"Ms. Roman, may we have a word?"

Grace nods reluctantly fully aware that she can not take back what they have saw. Nessa looks to the girls who both seem to be fine before turning and wrapping her arm within her mother's. Thaddeus holding her other hand as they walk away from the infirmary towards the Alpha's study. None speak as they make there way to it. Upon arrival, Desmond takes his seat as Penny sits perched on the arm of his chair. His arm wrapped around her waist. The Elders come to stand beside them while Nessa and Grace take the seats in front of his desk. Thaddeus standing behind Grace with his hands on her shoulders. 

"We will need to speak to your girls to understand what all occurred." Grace nods her head in understanding. The Elders stay silent for a moment as they study her. "Ms. Roman, you have an incredible gift."

Grace tightens her hand around Nessa's as she nods. "It is a gift and a curse."

"There has not been a witch with this gift since the 1600's from the best of my knowledge."

Grace nods her head believing that to be true as well. Desmond and Penny continue studying the witch. Penny has not been told everything and is slightly confused as to what they speak of. "I'm sorry what gift. You're a shifter right?"

Grace lifts her gaze to Penny nodding at her. "Yes I am. I shift into a beast Penny."

"What are-"

"Ms. Roman transforms into a dragon Mrs. Tate."

Penny falls silent in astonishment. The sweet and soft spoken witch that has cared for creatures of all kinds over the years and can transform into a mythological winged serpent. All remain silent as they look to her. Nessa holds her hand giving it a squeeze. 

"We do not condone the actions you have taken Ms. Roman." This makes Grace look up with wide eyes. The elder woman has a small smile tugging at her lips. "You were protecting in a sense your own pack."

"However..." The man elder speaks up glancing at Nessa before looking back to Grace. "We will be making a report and need to know all the facts which will require your cooperation."

Grace nods her head feeling slightly better before looking up. Thaddeus is already looking at her. "I am sorry Thaddeus."

His brows furrow in confusion. He turns to the group. "May I have a moment alone with Grace?"

Penny stands taking Desmond's hand before walking out. The Elders following behind them. Grace nods her head to Nessa who hesitates before relents and walks out closing the door gently behind her. He comes around kneeling down in front of her. Her eyes swelling up with tears that are yet to spill. He cups her cheek brushing it gently. 

"Why do you feel the need to apologize?"

She chuckled gently as the tears began leaking out. His thumb making quick to catch them. Her eyes looking deep into his own. "I have lied to you Thaddeus."

"You only did what you thought was best to protect your girls. I am not upset."

"I burnt your hand"

He lifts it showing it to her. It was clear of all marks and her eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Her fingers gently rubbing over it. "Your daughter is a healer."

She sighed dropping her head forward. "If we are to move forward Thaddeus, you must know what to expect."

Thaddeus felt his heart race. This is the first time they openly spoke about their connection. He could feel his pulse race at the mere mention of a future together. She studied his eyes for a moment before releasing a slow breath and continuing. 

"Each of my girls is very unique. They each have their own story."

"I am aware Grace-"

"No, you're not. Tara is not a witch." Thaddeus goes silent as she chews on her lip. "She is a fallen angel."

He doesn't react fully aware that her power matched none he has ever met. Grace waited for a reaction but he didn't seem surprised. He cupped the back of her neck gently pulling her forward. Her lips gracing his in a gentle touch. Grace could feel her heart stop in her chest. She has not been kissed since her husband. It was soft, warm, and caring. He didn't move for a moment giving her the right to pull away. After a moment he gently pulled back to look into her blue irises. 

"Thank you for trusting me."

Grace couldn't help but smile in relief. He was not upset. She cupped his cheek and gently leaned forward to peck his lips. Their foreheads resting together as they embraced the moment. Unbeknownst to them, Nessa stood on the other side of the door with a small smile. Her ears catching ever word thankful he reacted in a good manner. She walks away giving them privacy as she walks back to her two sisters. 

Leo has since woken up and is lying down with Kacia laying beside him. His arms wrapped around her in a protective manner. Her eyes going to her other sister whom is still watching over the wolf that is Jake. His extra injections will take more time to wear off. She looks around finding Penny standing in the corner who motions her over. 

"My husband is speaking with the Elders." Nessa nods her head in understanding. "I can not wait to hear the tale of what all occurred... But for now, I am happy you all are safe."

Nessa looks to her sisters. "We are safe."

Hell's Belles: BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now