Chapter 10

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| Krown | Saturday | 2:12 PM |

For some reason I was oddly excited to see Dave again.

I woke up this morning extra early to get ready to start my day. King would be getting his edge up today and Asia would be at work since she got the job as a bartender.

She would be working along side Lena or Lina, I can't really remember her name but her and Asia have became friends.

I don't know Lena personally but I was open to getting know her more.

"Don't get in here acting a fool." I warned King because when it came to his hair he didn't like anybody touching it besides me.

I quickly found this out when Asia tried to braid his hair for me while I was at work but he wasn't having it. He threw a fit and gave her a hard time.

Once we got inside we found two empty seats and waited for our turn since there was a long line of parents— impatiently waiting on their turn.

Their kids were showing out, crying, kicking and screaming. I rarely ever gave King whoppings but if he even thought about acting a fool there will be a problem.

I was still learning to discipline him more, when it came to King I had a hard time when it came to discipline.

The barber shop was dope, there were tons of stations which helped with the large amount of people that showed up

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The barber shop was dope, there were tons of stations which helped with the large amount of people that showed up.

The barbers were super nice, I even noticed some of the guys Dave hung around were also cutting hair.

It was very open and spacious, overall it was different from the usual barber shops I came across.

"Alright little nigga, you next." Key took King's hand and took him to his station which was right in front of me.

"How you been Lady K?" Key asked as he quickly cleaned his clippers.

Lady K was a nickname Key gave me after our run ins, which only happened when Don brought me along with him to certain events.

I admit I was a hard head. I honestly hated Don's friends, they would intentionally cause problems between me and Don just to get a reaction out of me.

I never said anything to his friends because I knew it would only make things worse but the thoughts in my head were deadly. It may sound weird but I probably planned each of his friends death but never got the chance to act out on it.

I was a ticking bomb waiting to explode before the events leading up to Don being in a coma happened.

Key was the only one that I could talk to, he actually tried to help me get away from Don before but of course Don ended up finding me.


"Edge up right?" He asked.


"What about his hair? I can hook him up if you want."

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