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Hello, My Lovelies!

As promised, here is the Bright and Ben one shot.

To all the new readers who are here for the first time, Welcome!

This is my first OffGun fanfiction.

Till now I have written only Peraya fanfiction and in my Sotus fanfiction, Way Back Home, Bright played a very important role so I decided to give him his own back story. And as Bright's partner, I introduced a new character called Ben, played by none other than Gun Atthaphan. Ben is an original character and he has nothing in common with any of the roles played by Gun in the past. So I request you to read this with an open mind.

For some, the back story may seem a bit confusing, so feel free to ask question. If I have enough requests I may write a spin off story about Bright and Ben, especially detailing Bens past.

I hope you enjoy what I have written.



Stumbled Into LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang