Stumbled Into Love

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All the way back to the condo, Bright was a mess of jumbled thoughts and emotions while Ben sat snuggled close to him in the back seat of the taxi. Everything that he had planned, was lost. He had planned so much- things he would say, thoughts he would share, feelings he would express. And yet, tonight's event turned out to be better than he expected, and if given a do-over he would choose this evening over his plans.

He got the man he had been pining for, for the last two years, and here he was, now snuggled close to him. He got to share his happiness with his closest friends, so no way would he want to relive this night any other way.

He looked down at the tiny human hugging him. No, Ben may not be tiny, but to him, it felt so. He felt precious. Over the two years that he got to know him, Bright realized that Ben was truly a unique individual- quirky, cute, adorable, smart, incredibly intelligent, and genuinely caring. No wonder he fell so hard for him.

But truth be told, for Bright, he fell for Ben even before he got to know him. On his third visit to the therapist's office, when Bright was contemplating if he should continue therapy after a particularly difficult session, he had stumbled and fallen face forward. When he looked up, he saw an angel looking at him with a blank expression asking him if he was ok.

Dumbfound, he had just nodded, and the angel then gave him the tiniest of smile that transformed his face as he stood up and helped Bright up his feet. Everyone around who witnessed this was giggling, but he was the only one who kept a neutral expression and helped Bright. One look at his cherubic face, amazing dimples, and luscious lips, and he was lost. He was lost in his steadfast honest gaze- the memory of their first meet intact in his mind.

Bright had literally stumbled into love.

Lost in his thoughts, he failed to notice the change in weather as the skies had opened up and started to pour earnestly.

So bad was the sudden downpour that the traffic had slowed down, and by the time they turned into his condo lane, there was a jam, owing to a tree falling.

"Khun, I think you should walk home. I don't know when this jam will clear."

"But P, it's raining so heavily."

"You are welcome to sit here if you wish, but I don't think we will be moving anytime soon."

"P'Bright, let run to the condo. Doesn't matter if we get a bit wet."

"No! No! It's so heavy. You wait here. I will bring an umbrella from the security office, and then we can walk back."

"P'Bright. Let's go together," Ben smiled, and Bright for a moment felt lost. Slowly he nodded and paying the taxi driver, they dashed to Bright's condo. Unfortunately, the downpour was so heavy that they couldn't escape getting drenched. By the time they made it to Bright's condo, they were dripping wet. Ben's loose white t-shirt was clinging to his wet body, leaving nothing for Bright's imagination. He wanted to gather him in his arms and never let go. But he had to wait. He had to take it slow.

Bright walked in and turned on the light only to remember that his living room had been completely turned into a mini wonderland, and he didn't want Ben to see. Quickly turning the lights off, he pushed Ben directly towards his bedroom.

"Ben, you should quickly shower. Don't stand here wet, you will catch a cold. There are fresh towels in the cabinet," he said, rushing Ben into the bathroom.

"Umm, P'Bright, please don't remove the decorations from this room, while I am in the shower."

"How...?" he thought he was fast enough that Ben had not seen, but apparently the little man not only had a sharp mind but sharp eyes as well. Chuckling Ben shut the door, and Bright stood there, dripping wet, his hands on his head.

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