Chapter 31: Forgiveness And Resignation

Start from the beginning

"Where's the armory in this place?" Spencer said. "A place this big has to have a weapon's room or, at the very least, a Game's Room with a hoard of guns!"

"What do you plan on doing, Spencer?" Thann said, turning his attention to his anxious looking brother. Spencer's eyes seemed to be examining every room they came across for some form of something. "You heard the Reaper, Ronald Knox, Mathu Kelvin is beyond our touching. He's something supernatural now. Bullets can't hurt him."

"He must have a weakness, Thann," Spencer said, entering into what appeared to be a large study. "Everyone does, everything does. We just have to find it and exploit it."

Spencer immediately went to the desk near the large bay window and attempted to rummage through the drawers, but when he tried he found the top drawer was locked. He pulled at the handle and unfortunately yanked too hard, it came off in his hand. But he continued the search the rest of the desk and the room.

The words: "exploit it", rang in Thann's ears. He had exploited his brother's weakness and Decco had then used it to his greatest advantage which then brought about a series of events resulting in Thann's death. It was only by the grace of God that things had reversed themselves and Thann's life was restored. The neck bands with the crucifix's he and brother once wore had one time been a fashion statement, but now, at the first opportunity, he would adorn another one and truly thank the Lord for shining His grace upon thee.

"Spencer, you must settle down. There's nothing we can do for Trent. We have to let the Reapers handle Mathu Kelvin. We've been given a second chance at life. Let us not waste it with bitterness and hatred."

Spencer looked at him, his eyes bloodshot from crying, but now they were filled with an anger. "I lost two people I truly loved, Thann - Krystal and Trent. You have no idea how I feel!"

"Spencer, I do understand. And I nearly lost you. We nearly lost each other! And I know you still feel anger towards me for what happened to Krystal. So now is the time - say what you want to me."

"Say what, Thann? That I will forever hate you for murdering our sister?"

"Yes, precisely that."

Spencer shook his head. "I have already forgiven you," he said.

Thann pointed an accusatory finger at him. "No, you haven't! The anger and hatred still burns in your eyes. And I am truly sorry for what I did to Krystal. There is nothing I can do to bring her back. So if you plan on killing anyone with a gun this night you can point it at me and finally quench your feelings."

Spencer's mouth gasped open. "You are being foolish, Thann."

"Like you, thinking you can enact a revenge upon a supernatural being. If we attempt to attack Mathu Kelvin, we will surely die." Thann went to Spencer, he put his hands on his brother's shoulders. "Before all this, I thought the Illuminati were the most powerful thing on this planet. But after meeting Decco, Knox, and all the others, and seeing what they can do, and now knowing all that we know, and that a terrible battle is brewing between powerful forces we can neither fight nor win, all we can hope for is to live our lives by God's grace, that He has granted us a second time."

Thann stared into Spencer's eyes, hoping his words would get through to him. Hoping that all the hate he still had inside him would soon to be replaced with faith instead. And for a moment they didn't move, they just stared into one another's eyes. Seconds ticked by - until Spencer averted his eyes and nodded. Thann let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding and smiled. He knew it would be difficult for Spencer, but he would help him get through the pain.

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