Chapter 34: Sebastian Awakes

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"We must be cautious and prepare," William T. Spears, Head of Reaper Affairs, said. "If indeed Decco is testing the waters for vulnerabilities and weaknesses within our group, it is safe to conclude that he will be sending even more minions, and there is no telling just how many demons he has under his hold, or how strong some of them will be."

The others agreed on this point, and they each expressed their own concerns on it. It appeared, and in the short amount of time that had been together, that Mathu Kelvin had become a welcome ally in their midst, once a cold-blooded enemy. But his declaration of when Sebastian awoke and when once he finished he had to tell him and give him was accomplished - would he truly leave them to fend for themselves against a powerful foe that in all likelihood without him they may very much would not stand a chance against?

But what demon would be next?

"Correct," Mathu Kelvin said. "Decco will very likely continue to send stronger demons against us. Why fight if you can have others do the work for you?"

"That's the coward's way of thinking," Ciel said strongly.

"No, Ciel Phantomhive," William said, "that is the way of the world. A true leader exploits his enemies weaknesses and then strikes. It is assuredly a very smart way of thinking and to victory."

Ciel grumbled, knowing the Reaper was right.

"Only to the point of allowing your warriors do all the fighting and then come in to stand over the corpses," Lukas corrected William. "If this is done, then he is not a leader but an exploiter of good, honorable men."

Ciel looked at Lukas with an eye of respect, and then looked at William and found him nodded softly.

"You are correct, Lukas Phantomhive. Your Alexander the Great was a great first, but then exploited his good, honorable men - after they had fought with him for years, conquering surrounding lands - when they refused to obey orders of a questionable manner and wanted to return to their families because they were tired of constant combat. As punishment, Alexander had them walk through a desert for weeks, where days by boat would have been faster; he killed one-quarter of his men this way, falling dead from heat exhaustion and starvation. There have been many other cases of men of a similar nature in human history turning sinister for their own selfish means, as well."

Lukas put up a hand, not needing a lecture. "No, all of them were just protecting their own best interests, protecting their way of life. Some fall by the wayside, but others are selfless - and then are betrayed by men with that sinister intent of mind."

"Again, you are correct, Lukas Phantomhive," William said. "You know your history well."

"When I was under the influence of Bryon Kelvin, I was educated well. My teacher, whom I believe...was honorable, the man who taught me much of history, and the way of the world, was not the same man who trained me to kill and be an assassin. I know this somehow...I still don't remember who he was, but I consider him like a mentor, in a way. And one day, I will to thank him for all of what he taught me." He turned to Sebastian. "Much like Sebastian, in his own way, has helped my brother grown and learn..."

"Sebastian is my butler, nothing more," Ciel said straightly. "Do not make him out to be anything more."

"Oh, I suspect him to be much more than you are willing to admit, brother. Much more."

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