snap decision

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Enid's pov:

We all was in studio A pratcing some movies that could work for the cheography for the video.I was working with Amy to come up with some moves that we could use as choreo in the video until we got told to take a break.

I walked into the locker room to see Lola and i asked her"hey, have you picked up your costumes yet" as I finished she looked at me and I knew something was up so I sat down on the sofa beside her"what's wrong?"I asked worried before she repiled"hypothetically if a friend told you that they were injured,would you tell Michelle and Emily?" So I nodded "of course".Lola sighed than said"but if I tell them then they could get kicked off the qualifying video but if they dance in the video then they could get really hurt"

"Lola, you have to do the right thing"I said as Lola got up off the sofa"you know what I'm i need to think about it somewhere"she said before she left.Was Lola asking me all this because she is injuried.i have to tell Michelle.

After telling Michelle about Lola being injured, Jacquie called me over to work on the hip hop section with her,Josh and Piper."prefect one more time okay,five six seven eight one two and three four"Jacquie counts as all four of does the moves.After we finished, Jacquie says"you guys it's looking so great"than she walked over to noah.Is it that bad that I didn't noticed my own brother come in,oops.

After a break,I walked back in studio A with Piper and josh to see Jacquie and Noah aguing quietly,after they noticed us there Noah said"guys cheography you did with Jacquie was fine but I'm gonna be recheograophing so when it comes to the center".We moved to the center of studio A really quietly because this is so awkward,"starts walking forward we'll go like one two and three hit four five six then we can push seven and eight.okay push it though"Noah says as we do it until Jacquie says"and stomp that".Well this is gonna get more awkward"I don't think it needs a stomp it's contemporary so  let's flow though it"Noah says.

Josh asked Noah"if it was thing like here"as he put both arms out and Noah says"yeah we keep it-"before Jacquie cuts him off"that's two fists with that" making all us stop and Noah say"theres no fists no fists there".They both agued for a bit before we went back to practicing until Jacquie speaks again"well since you want it so contemporary-"before she got cut off by noah "okayJacquie, really are you gonna do this in front of everyone there" as she went to defend her self,Noah says"we're not doing hip hop in the section,it's needs contemporary okay cool".

Me ,Josh and Piper was all looking at each other feeling really awkward until I spoke up"i think we should just  take a break" and Jacquie stomped off before anyone else left.Wow that was a lot to watch,I have never seen Jacquie and Noah aguing at all and that was so awkward to watch and be around.

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