Oh brother!why art thou there?

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Enid's pov:

All of us,mebers of A Troupe was currently in studio A, doing stretches that was lead by Noah."seven,a hold one two three four five six seven eight.To the one, Josh lower "Noah says as he lead us for our stretches.After a while of stretching, Daniel and west walked into studio A to tell us about the qualifier video"alright guys let's get together"west says adn Daniel adds"its time to get serious about the regionals video, we're kind of in a time crunch and it has to be spectacular". we all nodded before west says"for sure so Daniel and I put our heads together and we have some ideas".

Daniel says"yeah so uh after discussing with our new dance captain,Noah there's going to be a small group section and the dancers we've selected are Ozzy, Kingston,Josh and Amy" as those four all look really happy so we clap for them."yes and there'll also be a female hip hop solo"west says before Daniel butted in"because apparently contemporary isn't great enough"as they both kinda ague about what style is better and we all stand there watching trying hard not to laugh."but since we have so many amazing female hip hop dancers,it was hard to choice just one so with that being said I cheographed a little dance for the audition okay and who'd we'd like to audition will be Jacquie,richelle and Zara"west says as we all clap.I really I got picked go audition but I am sure there will be something else I guess.

I was currently in studio A using one of the bars to practice when Piper walks in and comes over to the bar"are you as disappointed as I am about this morning"she asked as I look at her"I guess"I repiled as piper let's out a sigh"I mean we're great dancers,I guess if we weren't chosen we have to work on our hip hop.You got to show Daniel that they underestimated us".I stopped practicing to say"you know im really trying to focus on contemporary right, hip hops not a big deal to me"I say to Piper look confused"but don't you want to get better,come on i cant do this on my own. Come on come on you gotta get okay"she says as I agree so she would stop asking

I only did a little bit of hip hop with her before I stopped and went back to the bar"you know I don't have the same feelings as you,i feel silly"I said before she points at me"I got an idea okay,I'll be back you stay here"pipere says before she ran out of studio A and i went to practicing my contemporary.

After a while on working on my contemporary,I heard a "hey enid"I heard Piper say as I stopped at turned around"I got Henry and he's gonna show you some sweet hip hop moves"Piper continued."first thing about hip hop,lost the ballet bar"Henry says as pulled it away from me.I went along with doing the hip hop moves with Piper and Henry.I don't need this hip hop practice,yeah I ain't the best at hip hop but I don't need this practice right now,I need to focus on my contemporary as it's my weakest style.I stopped dancing causing them both to stop too.

Piper smiled  at me"we was amazing,let's go audition"she said as I stopped her"I already told you, I don't want the solo"I tell her.Piper looked at frowning"Enid,you have to believe in your self"Piper says as I cut her off"I do believe in myself I believe that I need to work on my contemporary right now" before she says"but we could be the soloist in the video" as I stopped her"they haven't even asked us to audition Piper,the solo is not what I need right now and if you have listen to me at all than you would know that"I sad before I walked out the room annoyed,why dont she get the message I don't want a solo until I good at my weaker styles.

I was in the locker room sat on the sofa playing on my phone with my feet up on the bench when Piper comes in,great now she gonna try to get to try to audition"oh um,didn't expect to find you in here"she says as she came in as I asked her why.She sat on the bench"this is the east locker room"she said as I looked at her"so we're all on the same team now"I said as  she looked away"yeah I guess you're right yeah".I put my phone down and said"what do you want" causing her to reply with"well I want to know if you're okay,you seemed really mad eailer and you know I just wanted to know that I was trying to help you".She looked at me as I said"Piper,I told you I don't need your help,just stop"

"Enid,just forget the audition,you are an amazing dancer and if you work in hip hop,you been even better "Piper says as I take my feet off the bench"I am not needed to right now" I said as she cut me off"but you are showing so much progress and if we just keep working at it"she says as she keeps going on until I cut her"you are just trying to be my own personal dance captain and i don't need one as losing dance captain is really affected you but don't use me to think about something else" as I got my phone and left.

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