There can only be one

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Enid's pov:
We was all waiting in studio A waiting for Amy to finish her phone call with dance mania. When I say all of us,I mean all with summer,the traitor who would ditch their own team last minute to go solo? Oh wait Summer."amy's been on the phone for a long time,they must be breaking bad news"kingston said turning to us,"kingston,stop being so pessimistic. Dance mania is just telling Amy all the information for the next round"lily replied,please don't be another kily argument again"that's makes no sense,they get that information later.' he replied earning a "oh,so you're an expert now?"from Lily.We all turned as Amy walked in from her phone call"we did it" she says causally as we all looked at each"we're going to Dancemania!" We all start cheering and hugging as we are so excited and can't wait.

We was all talking with each other about how excited we are for Dancemania and Nationals "gather round, everyone gather round. Emily and I just wanted to say how proud we were of all of you. This kind of success is exactly what I was dreaming of when I bought this studio" nick tells us as we gather around. "I'm not going to lie to you, preparing for Nationals and Dancemania is going to be tough. There's going to be long hours,a lot of sweat, and there might possibly be tears. Because one competition Nationals cannot suffer because of the other Dancemania." Emily tells us, jeez way to ruin the mood emily. "For now we party"nick says as they leave and we dance about when cleo comes in pulling Heath over to talk,I watched knowing that this won't end well. Before going back to celebrating with the other 

Heathcliff's(didn't see that coming?):
"Hey,what's the party for?" Cleo asked me after she pulled me away from the party"we got into Dancemania"I told her as she didn't look too happy"technically,they got in.". That means no one told cleo about summer"I'm guessing nobody told you." I asked her as cleo frowns"summer auditioned as a soloist and she called me to take her spot on the team."I explained to her,as cleo looked annoyed"wait Summer called you"she replied as I nodded"over me?"as I nodded again"guess so " I said going back to partying with the others as cleo stomped off.

After the partying,we was in studio A"A troupe, national rehearsals are going to be in five minutes,stretch ,get warm" emily tells us as start stretching. Emily came back in "everybody, I have a really important announcement. If you complete at Dancemania, you'll be considered professional dancers,you can't complete at Nationals. Any absolute dance competition ever again." Oh no I don't want to quit being competitive dancer but professional would be a dream come too.

"Guys, emily's right. If we go in Dancemania,we can't complete at Nationals."piper tells as reading the rules book"so what are we going to do?"henry says what we all think at once."guys,come on!we have to choose Dancemania. It's a no-brainer"Heath says as some of us agree with him"of course you'd think that, if we choose Nationals. You're back to being an alternative,just like me"cleo says smirking."if we're not here bro be professional dancers,than what's the point"Kingston says as all of agree with him."guys if you choose the show,I wouldn't be on the team."cleo says trying to change our minds"but you are an alternative and there wasn't any guarantee of you dancing anyway"Amy says, harsh but low-key true."what about Summer?she be off the team too"cleo says. She part of the team but she backstabbed us but we all make mistakes."guys, as great as Dancemania is, we're A troupe, we're a team. We always choose the team." I told them all.

We all back into studio A warming up/talking trying to come to a decision."guys,guys,can we talk about something? Ok,look I know you were all super excited to go Dancemania, and I know the only reason you would even consider choosing Nationals instead I'd because of me. But let me choose for you, you're going to Dancemania"summer tells us all,"wait,but"cleo starts to say but was cut off"are you sure" piper asked,"that means you're off A troupe" I said confused,why would you allow that to happen to yourself. "I know" she tells us as cleo stomps off.

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