Toddler Fairy

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Not long later, the baby hit the milestone like any other baby.

She learned how to crawl, much to the Queen's happiness

Soon, she will be speaking her first word, walk and so many more.


The baby is now a year old.

While the little princess is quite a troublemaker, she brings great joy to her parents.

By this time, the little princess learned how to fly, BUT she has yet to learn how to fly properly.

Hence, she would fly around the castle; while occasionally banging into some fairies.

This is that particular day that the parents realize that their daughter had learned to fly:

"Come sweetie, I'm going to-" said Clarion as she got ready to buckle her daughter's outfit

The little princess flew high

"Come on down sweetie! I have to button your outfit!" Clarion said

"Wow, she learned how to fly already?" The Queen thought to herself

Lord Milori have already set out early in the morning, hence the Queen is on her own.

"Sweetie, can you come down here please?" Clarion said trying to catch up with her daughter

She flew up chasing after her daughter

A grown fairy chasing an infant fairy. It's adorable, but definitely tiring


The ministers are in the meeting room

"What's taking her so long?" Minister Spring said

"Oh, give her a break, it's probably the baby" Minister Summer said

"Otherwise, she would be quite punctual" Minister Summer continued

Just then the door was opened and The Queen flew in

"Phew" Clarion said softly

"Good morning Ministers, sorry, I was late" Clarion said as she adjusted her tiara

She was a tad bit sweaty, and she looked exhausted.

"Queen Clarion, did you work out or something?" Minister Autumn asked

"Well sort of, in fact, I flew around my daughter's room "the Queen said with a chuckle

"What were you doing that for?" Minister Summer asked

"To button her outfit" Clarion answered

"I should really get more Velcro shirts to make things easier" Clarion said softly

"Anyway, today we-" Clarion said as she opened a notebook


The door was slammed opened forcefully

"What th-" Clarion said as he looked to the door


The baby flew right to her mother's chest

The Queen nearly fell, but caught her balance while carrying her daughter

"That is one strong baby.." Minister Autumn whispered to minister summers ear

"Yeah, it seems almost that she is the child of Hercules" Minister Summer noted

"She can possibly be a wrestler" Minister Autumn said

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