When you wish upon a (The second ) star(To the right)

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As the royal had welcomed their little bundle of Joy, many couples were in awe

Some even wished to have families of their own

And a couple that particularly hoped for their very own child happens to be Dewey and Vindeca.

Due to the fact that fairies are usually born from a baby's first laugh, it's a rare occurrence(or never) for fairies (that are Not the Rulers) to bear their own offspring.


"Hello, who is it?" asked a fairy

"Oh! Queen Clarion, Lord Milori, I was expecting you, come on in!" Vindedca said as she showed the way for the rulers to enter

"Thank you" The two fairies said in unison

The two couple set opposite of the medical talent fairy

"So, how's her progress so far?" Vindeca asked as she looked at the small little fairy

"Well, she learned to babble" Milori started

"And also reach out her hand to the nearby toy" The Queen continued

The couple began listing out more things that she had learnt, and Vindeca just nodded and write down what they had said

"Alright" Vindeca said as she put down her stethoscope

"seems that the princess is healthy and well" Vindeca said smiling

"She should be able to eat a tad bit solid food by now, like mashed bananas or avocado pretty soon " Vindeca said with joy

"Really? Alright, we'll give that a try" The Queen replied happily

"Yep, that's all for now, any questions?" Vindeca said

"Not at the moment, Thank you" The royal couple said and stood up

"Say bye bye crystal" The Queen said imitating a cute voice as she held one of crystal hand and 'wave' at Vindeca

Vindeca waved back as the royal family made their way back to their castle

A few moments later..

"Wow..4 months almost to five months old" Vindeca said as she looked through Crystal's record

She read at those records with a face of admiration and fascination

FYI: Vindeca's role currently is a medical talent(or doctor in human terms) that specializes in female body's health (As the Queen's body is more like a human female body) and any sort of 'higher class' of medical/specific issues .

Basically like a (main)OBGYN mix with a little of every other doctors profession.

Soon, it was time for all fairies to go home and rest

"Sigh" a fairy said as she sat at the couch and put her hands to the side of her face with her elbows supported by her thigh

"Is there Somthin' troubling you, Vinnie?" said a calm voice

"Deweybear.." Vindeca said a little sadly

"What's wrong dear? Do you want to talk about it?" Dewey said as he sat next to his newly married wife

"You know how normal fairies like us can't have offspring of our own?" Vindeca began

Dewey is a quick thinker, he figured out what she was implying in an instant

The Tale of Queen Clarion and Lord MiloriWhere stories live. Discover now