Part 7:- The Talks

Start from the beginning

Cabir:-" Surprisingly you call this just a mere crush!!"

Manik:-" Trust me cabir, back then it was just a mere crush!!"

Cabir:-" Back then, so now it's more??"

Manik:-" Frankly speaking I don't know cabir!!! Yes it is may be more than a crush, may be liking because I know few things about her, so it can be termed as liking!!"

Cabir:-" Few things as in???"

Manik:-" I know very little about her just enough for liking!! I have known these things admiring her!! You won't believe at times I use to stalk her on my bicycle back then in school!!"

          Cabir was having his beer which just spitted out of his mouth as an instant reaction!!!

Cabir:-" The Manik Malhotra , stalked a girl like seriously???"

Manik:-" Back then I was just a school going boy, not The Manik Malhotra!!! But trust me even The Manik Malhotra can stalk Nandini Murthy!! Though I haven't as yet!!"

Cabir:-" The Manik Malhotra is ready to stalk a girl and you call her your just a mere school time crush!! Are you kidding me!!! Like seriously!!"

Manik:-" Cabir yaar!!! I don't know her at all!! This nandini Murthy is way to different than the Nandini I have known in school!!"

Cabir:-" Come on Manik, you are talking as if in school you knew her a lot!! People change with time!! It's been 7 long years!!"

Manik:-" No you are not getting my point cabir!!"

Cabir:-" Then explain me!!"

Manik:- "Cabir, the Nandini in school na, yes she was a chasmish, a book lover!! She never made much friends!! She would not talk much, would prefer a book or sleep, over a party!!"

Cabir:-" In short she was a nerd back in school!!"

Manik:-" Hey!! Don't call her that!!"

Cabir:-" Woohhh!!! Lover boy is offended!!"

Manik:-" Cabbiiirrrrr!!"

Cabir:-" Ok sorry continue!!"

Manik:-" But inspite of all this na cabir, she was a happy soul!! She use to njoy her own company!!! I agree she is an introvert, but then she had her own way of living life to the fullest, spreading happiness!!! Inspite of people teasing her of being a nerd, not wanting her in their group, she was never affected!!! She use to live in her own world happily!!! Amongst all this she was the most confident girl in the entire school!!! Comeon, who else in school had the courage to punch Harshad!!"

Cabir:-" I swear man!! Hatts off to her!! Mukti is yet not over it!!"

Manik:-" So ya this was nandini a happy soul!!! But now all this is missing yaar, except confidence!!! Now she is sad, she is distributed, she is not fully happy!!!"

Cabir:-" Wait time-please!!! How do you know all this like she is not happy n all???"

Manik:-" Her eyes cabir!! Her eyes speak her heart, they are very  expressive!! Happiness doesn't reach her eyes anymore!! She has always been alone, infact she has loved to be alone, but now her eyes show lonliness, which never showed before!! She doesn't live her life to the fullest anymore,. She just lives or may be surviving!!! And cabir, I don't know the reason behind all this!!!"

Cabir:-" May be uncle's death has changed her, after all uncle was the nly family she had!!!"

Manik:-" I don't know yaar cabir....but I want to know!!! I want to know her, her likes, her dislikes!!! Her wishes, her dreams, her desires!!! I want to remove that lonliness from her Life!! I want to make her live again, I want her to demand, demand things which she likes or which she wants!!! I don't know yaar cabir, if I am her type of guy or not!!! But even if I am not her type of guy, I would yet want to do all this for her!!! I will even help her in choosing her type of guy!!! The best one!!!" He said with a heavy heart!!!

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