"I don't exactly remember," Kane began, lying as he continued, "I don't remember how badly hurt he was".

Audrey scoffed, "Really?"

Kane snapped his head up, a fierce look in his eyes, "All I know is that after we fought, he kept flying which probably worsened the state of his wings".

She rolled her eyes unable to contain her annoyance, she didn't believe him and a part of her could sense that he knew exactly how bad it all was but didn't want to say.

"I was fighting the only person in this school, besides my own family, that I actually give a fuck about" he hissed, as the low hum and chatter in the library quickly ceased.

He hushed his voice, yet still spoke aggressively as he limped towards Audrey, "I was falling and there was nothing I could do. I knew that at any moment I'd crash into the ground, so I was just falling and waiting for pain that you can't even imagine. You have no idea what that's like, do you?".

Audrey stood there frozen, her eyes widened and her skin pale as she shook her head.

"You have no idea how much pain I watched him go through for you!" He hissed, and as the words ran out of his mouth he instantly regretted it.

He saw her eyes gloss over with tears, and her breathing beginning to rapidly quicken as she stood in front of him somewhat paralysed with her cheeks slowly reddening.

"Stop it," Bella spluttered, walking over to Kane.

"If we're going to find Charlie we have to work together. You think you're the only one who cares about him?" She continued as she looked at him, she saw his eyes falter for a moment under her intense gaze and placed an arm around Audrey.

He made his way back towards the table where he looked at the map, "All I know is he would have gone to Lake Grinderin after our fight to help his burns, from there he wouldn't have been able to fly".

He turned his head, looking at Audrey and Bella, "We start there".


Mr Harkness arrived at the courts of The Regional Council of Overseers for the red flagged questioning session he had requested. He walked throughout the ivory coloured underground tunnel where he was surrounded by prodigies who went about their daily activities unaware of his presence. The tunnel was wide and to the sides of it were white wooden doorway exits and entrances, while ahead of him was a garden with two large white marble staircases on either side. The garden had white wooden seats and a small fountain with a statue of the mage Vinador in the middle, the statue wore a long decorated robe and had a short beard with wide, stern eyes. Prodigies sat in the garden, either eating their lunches or talking to each other yet the sound of rippling water from the fountain muffled any chatter to those walking by.

Mr Harkness travelled up the marble stair case where at the top lay a vast white and gold hallway with bulky large doors descending in the colours white, black and red. He hurried down the hallway until he reached the doors that were painted a crimson red, he stopped outside a door numbered 'seventeen' and slowly turned its silver handle as the door creaked open. Behind the door was a spacious courtroom with three people sitting on a white elevated bench looking down at a small white table. As he entered, he noticed a small man with dark brown hair and olive toned skin sitting near the elevated bench at a small table painted gold. The small man has a type writer in front of him and was too preoccupied with replacing the paper in it to notice Mr Harkness' arrival.

"Ah Alexander, always a few minutes late" a voice said in a lighthearted tone from the elevated bench. 

Mr Harkness looked up at him with a smile, "Well Felician, I haven't seen the courts in over three years."

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