Chapter 6: Secrets Abound

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Abberline was pleased to hear that. If Sir Randall was involved with this Illuminati cult, he would seriously have to change his perception of the police commissioner.

"Displeased in what way?" Abberline then addressed something pervious Spencer had said.

"As mentioned, Thann, my brother and his associates - for which I greatly dislike their practices but I am privy to, notwithstanding my father being one of their elite members - do not like your investigation into the boy, Lukas Phantomhive. They believe Scotland Yard should remain neutral, that Sir Randall closed the case to his satisfaction, and to allow the issue to settle as it is. And I believe this is why my brother is visiting your police commissioner now, to have him stop you. From my understanding, Ciel Phantomhive even asked that the case be closed?"

Abberline acknowledged this. Ciel had asked that the case be closed. Abberline had only recently deduced that the family wanted to catch the child kidnapper of London on their own, to revenge for what he had done to Lukas. But Abberline seriously condemned this. "This is something I am engaged in of my own free will," he said. "I am dedicated to helping parents with children gone missing. And Lukas Phantomhive is a large part of the case. I plan on having a family of my own someday and I do not believe the case is officially closed, just put on ice, so to speak, until more information is forthcoming."

"Your dedication to safety and security of London is commendable, Inspector, but you are forcing issues to the surface that should remain buried."

"What is this cult?"

"The Illuminati are a powerful group of people with political and economic ties in some, if not all, of London's institutions and indeed around the known world. Without an in depth history, they were formed many years prior by certain men who felt the world needed to be orderly - their order. Thus, throughout the years, they have coordinated with others around the world who hold their values in trust. And to those who are aware of them, they put their stamp in places to announce their presence in social circles, meeting to discuss their methods in secret, engaging in ceremonies of a somewhat despicable manner, and sometimes participate in orgies with girls that have been supposedly possessed by malevolent spirits for greater pleasure, who willfully give their bodies over to them. This they believe brings them closer to their gods. Furthermore - "

"Enough!" Abberline said. "I fail to believe that men of a civilized society behave in such a way."

"Then you are naïve, Inspector," Spencer said flatly. "I have seen and -" he cleared his throat, "- have participated in one of these orgasmic ceremonies with these girls later sacrificed to demonic entities for knowledge beyond the ages. But this happened when I was younger and when I was stupid, believing it was commonplace because I was brought up with my father and brother involved. Only when my sister became one of these sacrifices did I forsake the Illuminati and discredit them. I suppose I have not been killed because I keep quiet and I am the son of an elite member, but I can stay quiet no longer. Therefore your life and mine will be in danger after everything I will tell you, and there is a lot."

The unfortunate mention of the word son struck Abberline with a familiar cord. In this day and age, women were often looked upon as secondary citizens and were not deemed as important as males, because males could provide a direct linage; daughters could not, their last names changed to their suitors. Spencer's sister raped and this killed in this orgy by the Illuminati was proof of this, and Abberline gathered Spencer's morality trumped that more than his father's association with this cult, and maybe was the reason why he had come to Abberline. The lad probably wanted to stop the slaughter of the innocent and give justice to his sister, since Abberline was conducting his own investigation into similar facets of illegality.

𝙃𝙄𝙎 𝘽𝙐𝙏𝙇𝙀𝙍 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 𝙊𝙁 𝘼 𝘿𝙀𝙈𝙊𝙉Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang