Chapter One

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+ HOLD IT!!!!

If you are new to the story, thanks for clicking on it!! I hope you enjoy this story!

On a more serious note, please read the description before continuing on with the story. I hate doing Authors notes, I feel they take away from the story, so everything that needs to be covered is in the description of the story. Otherwise, please, enjoy this story, and proceed with caution!+


A sharp rap on the door woke Niki from her slumber. She hesitantly pushed pieces of her blonde-black hair out of her eyes, slipping on a night gown. Peeking into Tubbo's room to check on the small boy, seeing him asleep, she smiled and slipped out to the front. Opening the door to be met with a pair of sky blue eyes, a blonde who looked desperate and helpless. A man whose face was covered by his chocolate curls had his arm draped around the boys shoulders, his breath ragged.

They smelled like smoke.

"Please, miss, let us in." The poor boy looked barely above Tubbo's age. Without hesitation, the florist took them. She shouldered the mans other side, hurrying them both into the shop. A few herding movements later, the man was draped on the couch. He seemed ill, or exhausted.

The boy was in no better condition. His shirt was sweat-stained, blonde hair draped over his eyes and matted to his skin. Ghosts of fear seemed to leak off him. They must have been running through trees as well, they looked to be in a dreadful state.

Niki gave the boy a patient smile, before disappearing to fetch some water and Tubbo to keep the blonde company.

"Tubbo. Wake up, we have company."


A day of reckoning. Every member of the land of Emard Atem remembered that fateful day. The day that Schlatt overthrew King Wilbur and Prince Tommy, taking command of L'manburg, a country to the south, and began his march into Emard, throwing the two countries into a war that ended before it began.

Soon enough, King Schlatt ruled over the entire land, as a tyrant. Face it, no one liked the guy. But most were too afraid to even dare utter his name.

Schlatt was a Hybrid. Born as a halfling, his bull-like features and impressive strength showed through his pristine suit. A pair of twisting, intricate horns lined his facial features, his amber eyes unsettling to stare out for too long. His tufted black and blonde hair was unruly, but that condescending smile made it all to obvious to his intentions. He meant nothing good.

It had been a few days since King Schlatt had began his rule.

A few days since a handsome brunette and a loudmouthed blonde had shown up on a poor florists step.

To the public, Wilbur and Tommy were dead as could be. Their humble manor had been burned down to the ground, an extravagant palace of blackstone was already being constructed atop where it had stood. Almost everyone had lost hope.

Tucked away in the cellar of Nikis flower shop lay a recovering King Wilbur. His torso had been covered in nasty burns, and suffered from severe smoke inhalation. Tommy sat a ways away, his burns lesser then Wilburs. Tubbo was tending to them gingerly, rubbing salve onto each burn and wincing with each hiss that the latter let out.

Niki walked down into the cellar again, carrying a cup of water. She handed it to Wilbur, who rolled over and denied the drink. Again. A frown decorated the girls face as she gently turned the man over again.

"Your Majes-"

"Wilbur." He cut the woman off, before launching into a harsh coughing fit. Niki was instantly at his side, grasping his shoulder and steadying him.

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