Chapter 4

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Sapnap flinched at the sound of his name. His dark eyes glanced over at Georges still form, making sure that it couldn't have been the brunette, before pressing the blade closer against the stranger's throat.

"I asked who you are, not for a name that sounds like a sorry excuse." Sapnap knew better than to expose his real name when dealing with a stranger. "You sounded awfully unsure of that being your name."

The strangers' forest green hood shivered, like it was snickering, before making Sap flinch as the cloaked figure turned to face him, his white mask making Sapnaps face go pale.

George you fucking bastard.


Not exactly the greeting Dream was expecting.

He visibly started at the sudden advancement of the olive-skinned boy, the blade now pressing dangerously close to the clothing covering his skin.


"Of all the people 404 could have invited in. It had to be you." Sapnaps voice was dripping in contempt, a shiver running down Dreams back as his blood ran cold. No, there's got to be a misunderstanding-

"Nick, no, you know me-"

"Exactly, you dirty killer." Sapnap spat out, growling almost now. Dream was confused, worried even that Sapnap had said something like that, and mildly hurt as well. Killer? Who had he killed?? Other than criminals, and what was Sapnap doing with someone like George? And-

"...wats.. Going on...?"

Of course, though, that had to be the moment when George came to his senses.


Finally. It had taken a while to find this deep ravine, but with the help of Tommy, Niki had managed to drag the king down into the now safe spot beneath their little village.

Draped in a large brown overcoat Niki had pulled from her storage to cover the man's tall frame, Wilbur's mop of messy curls covered his features. Defeat was written across his posture, etched in the way his back was hunched over, imprinted in the circles under his eyes.

And he wasn't getting better.

Tommy knew what Wilbur was thinking. The crown prince was in a better state than the ex-king, but he was still rather beat up. But the bitter taste of defeat rested on both of their tongues, haunting memories of Schlatts declaration of exile to them both fresh in their memory. The exhaustion of the events and the stress, particularly, were beginning to build upon Wilbur. Taking him down from the inside out.

And all they could do was watch and help.

Tommy had never felt more trapped. He was watching his older brother-figure crumple and fall. Since he was young, since Philza had disappeared, Tommy had watched Wilbur grow and fall. He knew his older brother, and he knew that this was the lowest blow they had received.

They had spent so long trying to build a place of peace. A place of no violence. Of order and calm demeanor.

And it had all been destroyed in a single night.

It made the wings on Tommy's back prickle with the need to be used. Irritating the blonde in the process. He wouldn't use the wings of a father that had left him and Wilbur for himself.



Tubbo's voice broke Tommy out of his thoughts. Unknowingly to the taller of the two, Tommy had been zoned out on a crack in the wall for the past, like, 45 minutes. Wallowing in memory and thoughts. Fuck.

"Ah. Sorry, Tubbo. It's been a rough few days." Tommy gave a weak smile to the brown-haired boy, who scoffed at that. "Bullshit, no really?"

That dragged a laugh out of the two, only for them to be immediately shushed by Niki who had shoved Wilbur to bed. The two boys shared a look which was immediately met with a silent scolding from the florist, promptly shutting up the trouble makers.

Well, except for a few giggles.

"Tubbo, we have to open up shop." Nike gently reminded Tubbo, who groaned. He wanted to spend more time with his friend, for god's sake! Nonetheless, Tubbo waved to his friend, who gave him a grin in return and ducked into the ravine to watch after Wilbur. And probably write a very cursed book in the meantime-

Lifting the hatch and entering the shop, Tubbo began to rustle around, helping Niki out with the daily preparations. Which, of course, included checking on the beehives and watering the flowers outside. His favorite parts of the day, other than pulling chaos with Tommy.

But today, he was met face to torso with someone he really did not want to see.

The color drained from Tubbos face as he recognized the yellow eyes with sideways pupils. Curling horns, much bigger than Tubbos small moobloom ones. . Light blue tie, pristine suit, rings decorating his fingers with rough-cut gems.

King Schlatt was in town. 


Word Count: 793

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