Chapter ten

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Anna's POV

"I have a crazy idea." Owen tells me as we both head out of rehearsal.

"Aren't all your ideas crazy?" I reply sarcastically causing him to shake his head.

"But this one is gonna be really funny. We have to wait till everyone clears out of the parking lot though." Owen says as I walk beside him.

We walk over to where Charlie, Madi and Jermey who were all talking to each other near their cars.

"Jeremy will you be our driver." Owen asked Jermey literally out of no where.

"Umm I have no idea what that means but sure." Jermey replies as a laugh leaves his mouth.

"My dads waiting for me in the car but I'll see you guys tomorrow." Madi told us as she walked towards her dads car.

We all told her goodbye and watched as most of the cars cleared the parking lot.

"What did I exactly agree to?" Jermey asked Owen.

Owen simply patted Jermeys shoulder dramatically.

"You have agreed to greatness." Owen says dramatically causing everyone to laugh.

"Charlie you in?" I ask him.

He nodded his head as we all headed to Owens car.

"So Owen...what is it exactly that we are doing?" I ask him softly.

"Get in the car and I will explain." He tells me as he opens the back door for me.

"Making me sit in the back?" I ask him sarcastically as I climb inside.

He sits next to me and Jermey and Charlie sit in the two front seats.

"So... the other night I was laying in bed when I started thinking..." Owen starts to explain to us but I interrupt him.

"That's never a good sign." I say playfully causing Owen to glare at me and push my arm.

"As I was saying before I was RUDELY INTERRUPTED. I had this idea that two people could sit where the sun roof is so on top of the car while one person drives as fast as they can." Owen explains proudly.

We all give him concerned looks as a laugh leaves my mouth.

"Your brilliant idea is cracking my head open on the concrete." I say in disbelief causing him to laugh.

"It doesn't sound very safe but I'm totally down." Charlie says in an excited tone.

"Anna...when two people are sitting up there together your like locked in place and since I know Jermey is practically a father he's gonna drive slow." Owen says as he points at Jermey.

"I mean he's not wrong." Jermey says as he laughs.

"Okay.... It does sound like fun." I say causing Owen to smile.

He quickly opened the sun roof and stepped on one of the seats and pulled his body up so he was now sitting on top of the car. He extended his hand down towards me gesturing for me to join him. I nervously grabbed his hand as he pulled me up onto the roof of the car with him.

"Oooo and now I can kick Charlie in the head." Owen says playfully as he moves his foot to hit the other boy.

"Hey... Owen!" Charlie yelled as he laughed.

Me and Owens thighs were touching as we were very close in order for our legs to be dangling in the car. Owens hand rested on the car behind my back. I felt nervous being so close to him.

"Alright Jer.... step on that gas!" Owen yells playfully.

Jermey starts the car which immediately causes my body to flinch in fear. I feel Owens arm wrap around my waist holding me protectively.

"I got you... just enjoy the ride." Owen says softly.

Jermey starts driving but he goes so slow that me and Owen start dying.

"Hey bud... maybe go a little faster I'm not even feeling any wind!" Owen yells down at Jermey.

"Okay." Jermey replied as he picked up his speed.

My hands held on tightly to the car as I felt the wind in my hair. I felt Owens grip on my waist tighten as Jermey turned the car. Me and Owen were yelling and laughing and having the time of our lives. I looked over at Owen to see a huge smile on his face as the wind was blowing his blonde hair everywhere.

"You wanna know something?" Owen yelled at me over the sound of the wind blowing in our faces.

"What?" I screamed over the wind.

"Your the prettiest girl I've ever seen." Owen says softly.

I feel my face get hot as I stare into his eyes. No one has ever said something so nice to me before.

"Thank you." I reply softly unsure of how to reposed to being complimented.

Jermey sped up the car and I felt Owens other hand keep a tight grip on my thigh. I felt butterflies enter my entire body at the feel of his one arm around my waist and the other on my thigh. I knew Owen had a tight grip on me so I let my hands go and held them up in the air as I felt the air hit my body. I felt Owens eyes on me laugh as I felt so alive.

"Try it... it feels amazing." I tell Owen as I put my hands down.

I put my hands on his legs in order to make sure he didn't fall over as he put his hands up and let the wind hit his entire body. He set his arms down and his eyes met mine. I could still see the wind blowing in his hair as our eyes couldn't seem to look at anything else but each other. Owens eyes glanced down at my lips causing my entire body to erupt in butterflies.

"Oww! Owen!" Jermey yelled causing Owen to quickly look away from me.

"Oopsss... I didn't mean to kick you." Owen says playfully as he laughs.

"I wanna try... Jermey slow down the car." Charlie told the other boy.

"I'll have to admit that was fun. Your ideas may be dumb but they are fun." I say playfully causing Owen to shake his head.

"They aren't dumb... they are unique." He says with a smile on his face.

He's special 😂✨

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