Chapter twenty four

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Anna's POV

I sprinted out of the makeup trailer with Owens shoe visibly in my hand.

"Anna!" He screamed as he chased after me.

I glanced back at the blonde haired boy chasing me with only one shoe on his foot. I laughed at him before I quickly started running faster because I know that he can easily catch up to me.

"Anna! It's hard running in one shoe!" Owen complained as he continued to chase after me.

"This is pay back for when you kissed me on the cheek and then sprinted out of my trailer for no reason!" I yell back at him.

I was starting to lose my breath as I stared running down a huge grassy hill. I looked back at Owen but he was no longer there. Before I could even think about anything else I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist causing me to loose my balance and start falling down the hill. I fell on top of Owen as our bodies rolled down the hill together. Owen laughed loudly as I felt his body against mine. We came to an abrupt stop at the bottom of the hill. My body was directly on top of Owens. My chest pressed against his chest while our faces were inches apart. I glanced down at his lips as I desperately wanted to feel his lips on mine.

"Where is it?" He asks me playfully.

I snap out of my daze as I quickly look away from him.

"What?" I ask him softly.

"My shoe.... the whole reason I was chasing you." He replies playfully.

"Oh yeah...... I actually think I dropped it whenever you tackled me to the ground." I reply sharply as I push my body up a little bit and look around.

"I didn't tackle you.... you lost your balance and I tumbled down with you." Owen replies playfully as he laughs at me.

I turn back to look at him and realize we both haven't moved from the current position we were in. I move my lower body a bit in order to look for the shoe causing Owen to groan.

"There's your shoe!" I yell as I point at it sitting visibly at the top of the hill.

I turn my attention back to Owen and I notice that he is staring at me. He bit his lip as he stared into my eyes.

"Race you to the shoe!" I yell playfully as I quickly get off of him.

"Oh you are so on!" He yelled as I heard him chasing after me.

I started running up the hill but Owen immediately grabbed me by my waist and picked me up. I squealed at the feeling of his hands on my body as he set me back down at the bottom of the hill.

"Sorry." He says playfully as he waves at me and starts sprinting up the hill.

I sigh as I quickly sprint after him. He was almost at the top when I caught up to him and quickly jumped on my back. He nearly fell down the hill due to me surprising him. He quickly gripped my legs with his hands in order to make sure I was securely on him. He quickly regained his balance and laughed at me. He bent over and picked up his shoe and placed it on his foot.

"Welp.... that was a whole lot of work for a stupid shoe." I say playfully as I pat his back.

He pushes my body up more on his back so I don't fall off. His hands remained on my legs while I remained on his back sending sparks through my body.

"You were the one who stole it." Owen says in disbelief.

"Yeah cause it's funny watching you struggle." I tell him sarcastically.

I laugh as I get an idea in my head.

"What are you laughing about?" He asks me playfully as he walks back to the trailers with me on his back.

I run my fingers through his hair causing him to come to an abrupt stop.

"Do it again and I'll throw you down that hill." Owen says playfully.

My mouth drops open as I debate whether or not to do it again.

"Why does it bother you so much?" I whisper playfully in his ear.

"It..... I...... I ... don't....." He stutters as he can't seem to form words.

While he was struggling to speak I ran my fingers through his hair causing him to immediately stop talking. He gently set me down on the ground as he refused to make eye contact with me.

"Does it make you angry?" I ask him playfully hoping I can push his buttons.

"Quite the opposite actually." He mumbles under his breath.

I raise my eyebrow at him as I look at him. Then it hit me. It turned him on.

"Ewww stop!" I yell as I take a step away from him.

"You are the one who kept doing it!" He yells at me.

"I thought you just didn't like people touching your hair!" I yell at him in disbelief.

He just shook his head as I started laughing.

"This is funny to you?" He asks me sharply.

"Yeah it kinda is." I reply playfully.

I try and shake away the wandering thoughts going on in my head.

"What are you thinking about?" Owen asks me softly interrupting my thoughts.

I just awkwardly laugh as I refuse to make eye contact with him.

"This whole conversation took a turn so I'm just going to go get my makeup done." I say nervously as I walk past him.

"I watched you get your makeup done ten minutes ago." Owen says softly.

I feel his hand on my wrist causing me to stop walking.

"I want you." He says in a low tone.

My eyes widen as I can't seem to form words.

"Pfff...... Uh......" I stutter but before I can embarrass myself further Owen slams his lips onto mine.

I was in shock at first but quickly kissed him back. I loved the feeling of his lips on mine and the way my stomach erupted with butterflies. I wished I could kiss him forever but all of our good moments always seem to be interrupted.

"They...." A voice yelled causing us to quickly pull apart.

My eyes landed on Charlie staring at us.

"They need you inside.........." Charlie said softly as his voice cracked.

I didn't know what to say. He just looked so disappointed and sad.

"She doesn't mean anything to you.......... remember.... that's what you told me.........well obviously that was a bunch of bullshit!" Charlie screams at Owen.

"It's a kiss...... it's not like it means anything." Owen replies sharply.

I feel a weak laugh leave my lips.

"Now I remember why...... why I wanted to stay away from you Owen....... you did this last time and your doing it again..... I keep forgetting that you don't actually like me. A kiss may mean nothing to you but I really thought it was something more but I guess Charlie was right I should have just stayed away from you." I say sharply as tears start to form in my eyes.

I quickly sprint past the both of them as my tears blocked my vision.

This part was so cute and then of course it took a turn 😩 (I feel like I wasn't even writing what was going on and when I finished writing it I was like omg why did that happen that's so annoying 💀)

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