My Soul to take

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The clock chimed six and Azalea glanced out their small lofty window to the amber city beyond. All of Hellvetica was cast in this dewy verdant glow; even as the fires dimmed and the moons arose, the city would still burn with that fiery glow.

She hadn't realized she was chewing her lip until the taste of iron danced on her tongue.

Where is that woman? She thought to herself.

Curfew was fast approaching and Azalea knew her mother was one infraction away from the Labor House.

She tried to focus on her task of cutting carrots and peeling potatoes.

Each minute ticked away and her mother never showed. The big hand slowly twisted its way around, bringing Azalea's heart to a rapid thrum.

She glanced toward the door willing it to slide open, wanting her mother to stroll in like everything was fine; she just had a late shift and was getting in some extra paperwork, but Azalea knew that wasn't the case.

She sucked on her teeth, trying to settle her nerves.

At this point, Azalea had never seen a Hellfire up close, only from a far. She had never planned on seeing a Hellfire up close. She did everything in her power to never see a Hellfire up close.

What need would a Hellfire have to come for her anyway? She had broken no laws-she was responsible in that way.

She went to work every day, she never missed curfew and most importantly she never dealt in the dark market, her mother on the other hand was in way over her head.

Azalea new one day they would come for her mother, she just hoped today wasn't that day.

The hand struck the ten and a chime reverberated about the room, like a church bell ringing in its chorus. The street corner where their loft sat began to quiet; the only sounds were the howls of hellhounds and the bustling rhythms of the inner city.

Their night life had no bounds. The rich could do as they pleased. Sometimes she would gaze upon the inner city, hoping if she stared long enough at those towers they'd all collapse in a grand show of fire and chaos. All the while she would silently smirk to herself. 

Just as she sliced her last potato the lock to the door clicked and in strolled her mother looking like complete shit, two minutes before seven and not a care in the world.

She smelled of ash and vomit mixed with vodka. Her dark hair was tossed about and her makeup was smudged down her cheek but at least she was home before the final calls of curfew.

That much Azalea was grateful for.

"And where have you been this time?" Azalea said tossing the butcher knife into the small sink, it made a crash and her mother jumped at the sudden noise.

"While you've been out getting lit and almost missing curfew, again; I've been here, tending to our bills, which were due today by the way. I've been making dinner. And did you even bother to check-in this morning?" She spoke with irritation in her voice.

It was the same thing almost every day. She'd been trapped in this vicious cycle for far too long now.

"Relaxxx. I'm here now aren't I'hh..? And last time I checked, I'hh was thee adult in this situation. Besidesss, I left you my ssscanner, sooo if I've missed check-in again, that's your fffault." She tried to focus on Azalea. She blinked rapidly; words were hard to get out.

"You didn't have your scanner with you while you were out all day!" She exclaimed. Azalea felt like screaming.

"It'sss not like I'hh wasss stopped while I was out." She responded defensively.

Cocoon (The Burning Butterfly Saga, Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن