"safe my angle" yandere yuno x asta

Start from the beginning

At this, he collapsed to the ground as he clawed at his neck with his remaining hand. With this, I sigh and walk over to the dying parasite, as blood gushed from his neck like a waterfall, then I lean down to look him in the face. " I have to thank you," I said with a smile as he laid there in complete terror. "If I didn't take my anger out on you I might have picked a fight that I would have regretted" I continued as I opened my grimoire.

Small-time skip (violence over)

"Hey, yuno, thank you for waiting," my angel shouted as he finally left the bathroom with a massive grin on his face as he walked out into the hallway not noticing the small drip sounds surrounding him. Then suddenly he grabs my hand causing my heart to jump and almost enough to break my concentration. Then he started to drag me as he said: "come on let's get something to eat".

I couldn't help but smile 'what an idiot but he is my idiot' I think as the spell holding up the body dis-activated as the body fell to the ground but not before we were at a distance away.

Back to the present

'Uhh that was sloppy and if he wasn't such an idiot he would have noticed it and then he would probably give me the whole lives matter speech' i mentally chastised myself as I found the book I was looking for and yanked it.

Then there was a squealing and screeching sound as the massive bookcase started to move back and then fold into the wall as it revealed a passageway. 'It so bloody dark' I think as I pull out a small lantern containing a candle as I started to walk into the passageway.  I finally see a glint of dark black metal of a cage.

Flashback (dungeon ark)

" asta you can't fight him you're barely standing " I shout at him as I run after him as he tried to stride away. 'Please don't force me to do anything ill regret' I think as I pray that he listens to me.

"Why yuno is it because you think I am weak too" asta shouts back as he turns around but that look at me as he the raises the new blade he found. "But I'm fighting to keep the ones I love safe," he says before he charges the diamond golem. All I could do was watch as he almost died.

When it was all over he was alive but he was injured and had too many close calls but what hurts me is that he stopped speaking to me and started avoiding me.

Time skip

The next time I saw him was when the diamond kingdom attacked. But of course, when I saw him he was fighting, a giant snail monster, but his arms were wrapped up in bandages. 'OH SHIT' I think as the rush forward and before he could react I wrapped my arms around him in a tight possessive hug. At this, he lets out a small hiss.

"Are you okay what happened?" I ask as I let go and look at him In the eyes showing I was serious.

"Why do you care you think I'm weak anyway," he said as turned away like a dog that got caught bitting a slipper.

"I care because I..............in your rival," I said a bit half-hearted.

"Okay sure," asta said turning away and walking up to the vice commander brother before disappearing into a portal. The look of disappointment on his face before he faded into the portal broke my heart. ' this can't continue'

Time skip

That night as he sat there shouting at the universe he could beat it. He didn't notice the black bulls all had passed out behind him or that I was slowly walking up to him before I placed a small rag to his mouth but that was too late because after a few seconds of struggle he passed out and I was able to whisk away my angle.

Back to present

I pull a small key from my pocket. Then I put it into the lock and pull open the door. There as I walk into the cell there stand two great wooden doors. When I put my hands against and I started to push them open I smile. As it travelled a well lit nice looking wooden room with a massive king-sized bed against the wall.

There sat on the bed was my angle his arms wrapped up still cursed from the elf asta fought under the sea in the temple. 'I'll thank him if he was still alive' I think with a smile. "Hey my angle I'm back in sorry I took so long but it was hard to kill all those elves," I said with a smile as jumped on the bed next to my angle.

Then I reached my arms out and grab him by the waist and pull him close to my chest and I place a few small kisses on the back of his head. At this, he gives a small wriggle as he tries to escape from my grasp. "Calm my angle there are is no one who can hurt you or take you away from me," I said with a smile as slowly turned him around to face me "and if you think about it you're technically the wizard king," I said as pressed a light kiss to his nose.

"Being married to the wizard king in secret, in a dungeon for 10 years doesn't make me the wizard king" asta said with a small grumble.

"Yeah but you are to me as long as your safe my angle". I said with a smile as I kissed him lightly on the forehead.

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