'every compliment' William x patri

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Thanks you for the request Yunoasta1234
Trigger warning: spoilers for elf arc and attempt self-harm
Alternative universe: black clover
Background info :set before elf arc and reavel where (spolior)

William and patri are reaveled to share a body  when William is 17-18 ish.and attending one of his family noble Gallas (party's)
"Word" = out loud speech
'word' = characters though / patri and William talking to each other
-----------------------------------------------------------william pov

The sound of whispers is all I hear. The sound of petty remarks is all that is said. The shame I feel about all of these being aimed at me is all o can feel.

"What a disgusting scar" is whispered there.

"It a sign that he is a cursed child" another one says back with a small chuckle.

"It is a sign of his commner heritage" is whispered back

"Dirty half breed gets a little a bit of royal blood and they think they can walk among us" my foster mother says joining the conversation.

"Yes I feel so bad for you halving a half breed as a an adopted child and a cursed child at that how do you manage" one of says with a geniuen sound of sympathy for that she-devil.

"I manage" the she-devil of my foster mother says with a smug grin "and you see that child is lucky to have me I treat him so fairly even though he is a cursed half breed". At this all those bastard laugh.

'that bitch, she is blood lucky to get to breath the same air as you, I could just kill her.' came the calming voice of patri in my head.

'it fine I got used to it' I think back a small sigh leaving my lips.

'you should have never had to get used to it will' patri growled 'that woman reflect the disgusting nature of humans you being the only exception'

'no that not true there are people out there who are good besides me' I retort.

'oh William that is one of thing I found I love about you other these two years'. I couldn't help the sudden red tint at my cheeks at those words. 'Besides julluis I'm only ever complimentend by patri'. I think before realzing.

'because you deserve every compliment you get sweet William' patri says in his usaul calm smootg voice which does nothing to help the tint if my cheeks.

'uhh anyway I best go and talk to someone before they think my curse makes me mute' I joke before getting a small chuckle in return.

Time skip

'well that went horribly'  I think as I sit on my bed. Luckily patri had fallen asleep so I was just able to think to myself without worrying about patri being sad or worrying about me. 'maybe this could be my chance' I think as I stand up and slowly walk to the small mirror on the dresser. Then look at the disgusting creature that is me 'there all right I am truly a cursed child' i think as I slowly lean down and pull open a small draw. Then slowly I pull out a small little shard of glass wrapped in cloth.

'im sorry parti I promised I would stop' I think as I slowly unwrap the glass shard and glance at how the edges curve. Slowly I try to edge it down on the side of my forehead in an attempt to get rid of this vile curse of mine but before my hand can being the small shard if glass to my skin to try and cut away at this vile, ugly and horrible curse.

My hand stops centimetres off my fore head. "Oh sweet William" came patri Voice from my lips. "Why would you try to hurt your beautiful face". As slowly patri looks up in the mirror to reavel his face the main difference to mine being his gold eyes and the lack of a disgusting purple scar on his beautiful face. "Was it because of what that she-devil said"

'yes I'm tired of them talking about it I hate how they talk about something I already know is disgusting do you know unfair it is, I got cursed with this disgusting scar and they all talk about it how I'm cursed a half breed.'

At this slowly start to run down patris face "oh dear William I'm sorry you had to suffer but where they make hate and scorn you I will always love you and if I could I would hold you if I could" .

'wait you love me' I asked completely thrown off 'even with that disgusting scar' I would be blushing if I was  in my body.

"Yes my sweet William your the one exception of these disgusting humans. Your scar only adds to your beauty" slowly a small smile makes it on too patris lip's. "So please for me never hurt yourself for me and so you don't harm your amazing face that I love so much".

'okay as long as you promise to never leave me' I think trying to not let in my desperation.

"And I only wish I could hug you and kiss that amazing face and give you all the compliments you deserve" he says with a smile.

Time skip (end of elf ark)
William pov

"Umm it's nice to see you in a body" I said shyly as I'm looking at patri who is currently incarnate into another body if the man called Licht. Suddenly I'm brought into a hug and there a sound of sobbing "I'm sorry I pushed you away I love you" . As I wrap my arms around him in return he kisses my forehead.

"It fine I'm here your here everything is fine" I say as we hug tightly not noticing the stares of the others.

"Hey Goldy when did you get a boyfriend" says yami his usual cigarette hanging loosely from his lips in shock. I chuckle at this.

"Quite awhile ago si I guess you two have already met " I said while awkwardly scratching my head. "Patri meet yami , yami meet patri please don't try to kill each other" u said with a smile

"No promises" they both say in unison.  "And if you hurt William I'll kill you" they said again. At this I smile a genuine happy smile.

Extra ending

"Don't get me wrong Mr patri I haven't forgiven you for stabbing me " the tiny julluis says while standing on a chair.tge murderous aura from him evident even as he is a child "But if you hurt William I will find a way to erase you from existence magic or not am understood" he says with a terrifying smile .

"Crystal sir" patri says as he stands behind me like a barricade.

"Okay that's good and it nice to meet William boyfriend" he says with a smile.

'but something about that line Williams boyfriend made me feel safe' I think as julluis starts asking (intergating) my boyfriend.

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