"hey pretty boy" finral X yami

660 10 13

Trigger warning: mentions of violence and some swearing
Alternative universe no magic and black lagoon inspired modern au
Background info based off black lagoon but you don't need to see it to understand it but it helps
FUN FACT im re watching black lagoon and came up with this Idea
"Word" = outloud speech
'word' = characters thought
Finral pov

'it had been a wonderful work trip away from the big city of clover and floating along the clear blue Oceans while above the sun gleams happily over the ocean.'  I thought an hour ago all lost in my own bliss. 'that was until the company got stopped by a boat jumping in front of us and the sound of gunfire and pirates '. That was an half an hour ago.

But suddenly I'm brought out of my thoughts by a punch to the face and the crash of me hitting the floor. Then I feel blood running down from my nose and as I look back up I'm met by two figures a woman with silver hair and bright pink eyes and a silver pistol in her right hand aimed at my head.

The man next to her the one who punched me 'I think' had dark black hair and amazing grey eyes and a tank top that fits him in All the right ways and an amazing sword in his right hand which made him look even more amazing and a cigarette hanging from his mouth. 'wait I can't be attracted to the man who is about to kill me'. "Hey pretty boy is this all your company gave you" the guy asked as held the disk I had been given up to me. 'wait pretty boy what did he mean by that, No I need to focus'.

"Yes that's all I got I swear please don't hurt me " I said quietly the fear evident in my voice. Suddenly another voice shouts from the boat below.

"Hey guys we need to move,  there seems to be a patrol boat from spade on it way" says a high pitched voice from the boat below.

Suddenly the dark haired man turns to all the crew who are on the other side of the boat "listen up guys we are going to disappear and then you all get to go free with no problems but if you send anyone after us, well let's say you are going to be floating home".

"Thank god we are all going home fine" I whisper to myself a small but short lived smile coming to my face. Then suddenly a blade is placed at my neck.

"Except you pretty boy, we need you as a last resort" the man says as he grabs me and proceeded to jump on the boat the silver haired woman landing next. Then minutes later we were speeding away from the boat. With that my life had taken a rapid change.

Time skip

'why me, what did I do to deserve this' I think as I'm say against a metal door . there a clicking of a keyboard from the room next to me of the pink haired woman inside . Till the temporary silence was broken. " Hey pretty boy your looking like shit do you want to get some fresh air"

On deck

Here I'm say a cigarette hanging loosely from my mouth as I look into the ocean, reflecting on all the events that happened. "Hey pretty boy I have to apologize it nothing personal we just needed a guarantee for our client" he said calmy as he blew a massive puff of smoke out. 'maybe this is what they call Stockholm syndrome because right now I feel like I can only trust this handsome man I'm talking to' I think as I gaze out to the sunset.

Time skip (3 months)

'how had i ended up here, in bed with yami(the dark haired man)' I thought as I felt his arm wrapped around me protectively tighten as he slept. Then his face dig into my neck the stubble rubbing against my skin , as the boiling sun makes the morning sweaty and uncomfortable.  Then he slowly started to stir and he looks at me with a smile. "Do you want to know something pretty boy, waking up with you these last two months had been some of the best time" he says kissing the side of my forehead.

"Yeah you to yami" I said as I kiss him back. "It werid I always feel like I can trust you with anything"

"Okay if that's the truth can I tell you something" he says he suddenly a little more serious. "Please promise to be calm"

"Okay sure tell me" I said suddenly really curious

"On the day we picked you up..." he said

"Abducted" I interrupted

"On the day we picked you up" he says with a bit more of a teasing growl "we didn't need to take you I just" he stumbled "found you attractive and I wanted to see you a bit more" he said shyly.

"Awww are you blushing" I said teasingly which caused him to look up

"Wait your not angry" he asked confused

"Why would I be these three months have been the best of my life so actually I should thank you " I said a massive smile on my face "Mr pretty boy" I said with a smirk

"Nah you can't steal my line" he says with a smile "now come on let's go get some breakfast"

Author note

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My Black Clover Yaoi ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt