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Everyone has that celebrity crush that they just can't keep out of their mind. The one you always dream about, the one you pray to God you get to meet one day. We all think, pray, and dream about it, but nobody thinks their dream will ever come true until it happens...

Well, it happens to Kayla, the main character of the story. Living her dream might not be what it's all cracked up to be.


Bang! I wake up to some loud beating coming from my front door. I hurry up and grab my robe, so I can see who's knocking at my door. As I walk to the door, I hear a man singing, "Cause we gon' do something, something is gon' get done. " "Whoever singing sounds horrible," I thought to myself as I reach the door and see that it is my roommate's boyfriend. I opened the front door, irritated while he continues to sing. "And we gon' get crunk and have a lot of fun," he sings, dancing into my apartment. "Why are you singing Chris Brown, and why are you so happy," I ask him closing the door behind him. "I just got us some tickets to see Chris Brown," he answers, slumping down on my couch. "Why me, I ain't your girl," I yelled back, irritated. "I need you to be out in the world so you can find you a man. I'm tired of you taking my girl away from me because you are bored and lonely," he says, laughing at me. "Why did you choose to go to a concert? We couldn't go to a club or something," I asked him. "My girl loves Chris Brown, and I wanted to surprise her and kill two birds with one stone," he answered. "Well, that's a dumb idea. Nobody comes to a concert looking for love," I say to him, rolling my eyes. "Maybe not girls but niggas for sure. Rich niggas the ones you sought after do," he said, pulling out his phone," my girl, Kristen, needs to hurry back." "Let's not change the subject, Alvin, how you know rich guys be going there to find girls? Is that what you did before you meet my friend?" I questioned. "Damn Kayla. Chill with that. You know I wouldn't," he disclosed, "Besides, I don't need to work for girls, as you know." "Know what Alvin," my roommate said while coming into our apartment with a bag full of clothes, "For what I remember you were the one all in my DMS and under my pics." My roommate and I both laughed while I helped her with her stuff. "What's all this," I asked while looking through her bag. "These are clothes me and Kristin picked for you. You can wear one of these outfits to the concert in two hours," she said, shoving the bag of clothes in my hand. "TWO HOURS!" I screamed, shocked. "Yup, and you need to get ready now. I'm not missing my side nigga perform," Kristen said, walking toward her boyfriend. "SIDE NIGGA! The only nigga you got and need is me," he said, pulling her in for a kiss. "EW! Please get a room," I said, slowly walking into my room. "Don't worry, you will get a man who shows you love one day," he laughed, walking toward my roommate's room. "And that day is today," Kristen said, encouraging his banter, "We going to find you a man in two hours, so hurry up and get cute." "Yeah, do that because the way you looking right now. I don't know if we can get you a man," Alvin laughed, leaving the living room. I marched to my room and slammed the door, ready to start the process for tonight's look.

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