chapter 41

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ricky's pov

nini left to go back home to her moms shortly after we ate our breakfast. i'm left with a huge mess to clean up in both the kitchen and the living room. i clean it up with a smile stuck on my face because of the memories flooding back to me at each thing i put away. as i fold up the blankets of the fort i think of our gentle make out and i think of our food fight as i clean the kitchen spotless. i'm normally way too lazy to clean, but i know that my dad will be home soon. i don't exactly want to worry about answering questions of why there's a fort in the middle of the living room. my dad walks through the door as i shove the last of the dishes into drawers. "rick?" "yeah dad?" i respond faster than intended. "did you clean?" "uh," i say scanning the rooms, "just a bit." "wanna tell me why?" my chest heats a bit, but he continues, "you didn't have a party did you?" he asks me. then i realize he was joking because we both know i would never do that. "very funny dad," i say with a head nod. he walks to his room to put his things down. the majority of the day is filled with me lounging around attempting homework, but eventually getting on xbox with big red from lack of motivation. after a couple hours on xbox, i have nothing to do for the rest of my saturday. i know nini is working on some essays today, so she's busy as of right now. i just wanna be with her though. i settle for going to the park to shoot some hoops since we didn't have a practice this weekend. after a while, i he's back home. as i'm walking home, i get a text, "just finished my essays! they took forever :/." i reply, "does that mean i can steal you away for a while. i've been bored out of my mind all day :(." i can see that she's typing. i just hope that she'll say yes. "what do ya wanna do then?" i'm already approaching my house, so i switch the basketball fort skateboard, "be by in a few :)." i send putting my phone in my pocket, not waiting to see her answer, as i skate down the sidewalk to her house. "that wasn't the answer to my question richard. see you soon." i knock on the front door just moments later. i find myself getting nervous to see her as i wait for her to open the door due to my excitement to see her, even though i saw her this morning. the door opens to reveal my favorite girl with a sweet smile to greet me, "hey," she says stepping onto the porch pulling the door closed behind her. "hi," i say leaning my arm down to lace our hands together wasting no time to lead us off of the porch. "so what should we do?" i ask as we walk down her driveway. "let's go to the skatepark again," she immediately replies. i pause my walking causing her to stop too. "definitely not. last time you got hurt," as i shake my head cringing at the thought of her injury from last time and how it was my fault. she stands at a distance from me even with the connection of our hands. she walks closer placing her free hand on my wrist. she shakes my arm a bit, "oh come on. let's go. i'll be more careful. plus i trust and know that you'll catch me," she says with puppy dog eyes. i don't even know if it was intentional because she's just so cute as she's reasoning with me. when she said how she trusted me and knew that i would make sure she'd be okay was already enough to convince me and made my heart swell. she continues talking, "and i would hardly count that as an injury. just a scraped up hand." i give a stern look because she doesn't understand that she can seriously get hurt, "it was worse than a scraped up hand and your hand took a long time to heal." she gets on her tippy toes to try and get at better eye level with me, "i'll be more careful and it gives us something fun to do," she finishes her case with puppy dog eyes again. i inhale strongly and exhale as i speak, "k, we'll go," i say breathily as i lean my head back in defeat for a second. nini puts a big smile on her face when i agree to her. we walk for a while to the skatepark. probably should've driven in her car, but that just means more time spent with her. as soon as we make it to the skatepark, she pulls me to the area we were using the last time. the lights are dimmed and nobody else was there skating, which is practically unheard of for a saturday. but it kinda makes me happier knowing that it's just the two of us here. i'm still super nervous that the same thing as last time could happen or worse. so my mind is super focused on her every move. we start off the same way as we did before by me helping her and slowly doing less to help. we reach the point where's she comfortable in trying to do it on her own. "please be careful," i tell her seriously as i start walking away for her to skate towards me. "ricky it's gonna be fine," she says giggling as she steps into the board. "just be careful." "i will," she starts pushing off of the ground to slowly skate towards me and she's actually doing really well. it's cool to see her doing something that i like so much. she skates right towards me without any issues and my nerves instantly ease up realizing that everything is fine. she does this a few more times each time increasing the distance between us. nini's the farthest she's been from me so far and shouts from where she is, "can i start going faster now?" i've been telling her to stay at a slow speed this whole time. "nini." "loosen up. i'm all good," "okay go ahead," but i prepare for a fall just in case. she's flying towards me and i plant my feet into the ground so i can catch her firmly. she collides into me to stop. and she was right everything was fine. i was able to stop her just like all of the other times tonight. "i wanna go again!" she says probably from realizing how fun it is to go fast on a skateboard. she picks up the skateboard and goes to where she was before. i watch her intensely as she's skating towards me faster than before. just like i feared this entire night, our bodies collide hard collapsing to the ground. i squeeze her as hard as i can against my front because we roll a few times which scared the shit out of me. i knew we shouldn't have come here. once we stop, our bodies are parallel with her on top of me. "baby are you okay!" i exclaim terrified that she's hurt, but i don't move us at all. "what?" she asks in a way shocking way, but with a small voice. i rush out my words, "i said are you okay," frantically. she lifts her head and our faces are right in front of each other. "you called me baby," she says with her same small voice looking intently into my eyes bringing one hand to move a curl off of my forehead. i don't know how to react, but i involuntarily speak from her intense, comforting gaze, "yeah," i whisper out looking into her eyes. both of her hands move to my cheeks and she leans down kissing me gently. it felt different. i don't know if it was because of the quietness of the huge dimly lit skatepark or the moment, or both. it was a long, sweet kiss that made my heart feel like it was beating out of my chest and i just hope that she didn't notice it. i keep her pressed against me, but use one hand to move her hair behind her ear that i felt fall onto my face. i lift my head up slightly in order to continue the kiss to chase her lips as i feel her pulling away. i gently place the same hand onto her cheek holding her there. i glide my tongue along her lips to ask for entrance. she parts her lips just enough for me to slip my tongue in. she gives me the most intoxicating feeling. she takes a hand off my cheek and i feel her slide it to my chest just over my heart. i knew that she could feel how fast and loud it was beating, but i didn't care anymore. she tugs on my bottom lip causing me to groan unintentionally. i actually scared myself when i did that and i immediately froze a little scared of what nini would do. my whole body heats from fear of not knowing if that was too far for us. she doesn't freeze like i did though. she just kisses me harder. i relax and fall back into her intoxicating kisses. this girl is going to be the death of me.

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