Chapter 19

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You entered the building and to your surprise, you were at peace. There wasn't anyone yelling at you or anyone to bother you. No boxes, no work. Just a ton of older movies on metal blue shelves. You were looking around until you heard a noise behind you, footsteps? You felt a hand on your shoulder. When you turned around, there was a tall man behind you with a short blue mullet type ordeal for hair, these dumb child-like sunglasses, ripped black jeans and a blue collared shirt with a name tag that read, "Broke". You both stared at eachother akwardly. "Uhm, are you okay? Did I do something wrong..?" He said slowly, as if you spoke another language. You shook your head, "No, i'm sorry. I was just thinking." He looked puzzeled for a moment before saying, "I wanted to ask you, is there any movie you're looking for in particular?" You again, shook your head. "Not really, I just decided to look around. I couldn't find anywhere else to go right now." He removed his hand from your shoulder. "I see.. I thought you looked troubled but I hate jumping to conclusions. I know this is quite sudden, but would you like to hang-out outside with me? I could also use a break from reality for a few." Without any second thought, you agreed. You barely knew him but he really comforted you just now so what was the harm?

You both stepped outside the building and sat down by the door. The sun started setting, turning the outside terrain almost golden. You heard the rustling of a candy-wrapper next to you, causing your head to turn. He pulled out some assorted candy from his pocket. "Hold out your hand." He said, looking at you contently, waiting for you to hold out your hand. You did as he said. He gave you 3 chocolate bars and a pack of smarties, he made sure he had the same for himself and put the rest of the candy back in his pocket. "Not to judge or anything, Broke, but why did you give me such a specific batch?" Without looking at you, he laughed for a moment and said, "Why not?" You rolled your eyes at the stupid joke, but it didn't go unappreciated. You both sat there and ate your candy without a worry. 

Suddenly, another tall guy with messy brown hair, a green bucket hat, ripped jeans and a shirt that had a drawing of a computer that had most likley been drawn by a toddler on it. What on Earth was with these two and ripped jeans... Fashionable? Yeah. Kind of attractive? Yeah.

"Broke, what the actual hell are you doing out here..? WITH A GIRL NO LESS?" The stranger yelled at Broke.

"Don't get your panties in a wad, Micro. I'm being, 'sociable', for once. Isn't that what you wanted?"


You looked at Broke and he looked back at you. The spiteful exchange was clear. He gave you a small kiss, and you played along aswell. "You're right, i'll bring her other places.." He said winking at you.

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