Chapter 16

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You took this time to observe your surroundings, long dusty hallway, broom closet, and an old light. Suddenly, you felt a gust of air. You winced. You felt a hand over your mouth and one around your waist. You opened your eyes to not only realise you were in the broom closet, but that the one holding you was 74j. "You're gonna have to quiet if you don't want Amazook to find us. He's going to be forced to look everywhere." He said in a whisper. "Oh, sorry." He took his hand off your mouth.

"Why would I not want Amazook to find us..?" You asked, confused as hell. 

"Well aren't you the innocent type." He said with a laugh. It had just hit you what he meant and it caused you turn very, very red. 

"I'm sorry, guess i'm slow." You said the only words you could get out of your mouth considering your entire thought process had just been derailed. 

"Amazook told me that he wants me to stay away from you, but he mumbled it. Are you dangerous?"

He bent down and got really, really, close to you and whispered, "I can be."

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