Chapter 5

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You show up to work the next day to see a figure.. Throwing a temper-tantrum..?

"MY SERVERS!!" They screeched. Everyone else was either laughing or trying to get them to stop throwing a tantrum.

"GOOGEL, SHUT UP YOUR SERVERS ARE FINE." Someone shouted at Googel. (yeah that's the fIgUrE's nAmE) 

Googel got up from the floor and went to sit in the corner to weep. "Um, is this a bad time to be here?" You said. Everyone looked at you and started laughing. "No, it's not Dear, Googel is just being difficult as usual." A yellow guy with shades said. You saw Fiddle give the guy a dirty look when he called you dear, what was that about? The yellow guy took your hand, "my name's Everyism! I heard you're the new employee, what's your name?" He was very talkative.. 

"My names Y/N, nice to meet you, Everyism!" You were confused on why he had so many questions for you but you didn't want to be rude and ask him to stop.

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