Chapter 15

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The show had ended sooner than you thought it would and you couldn't find Amazook anywhere... You decided to go backstage, considering you had to go that way anyway, to find 74j, maybe he knew where Amazook went. You walked down a long hallway until you came across a room with a sign that read, '74j ONLY!' You knocked on the door expecting no reply. Until you heard a small shuffling noise and the click of the door opening.

"Amazook, if you lied to me.. Oh, hello, Y/N!" 74j said, standing in the doorway. "How can I be of service?"

"U-Um, is Amazook in there..? We walked here together." The fact 74j was still giving you that odd smile unnerved you. You saw him slowly turn around and give a small laugh, one like you've never heard in your lifetime. It sounded like a parakeet trying to mimic a laugh it had heard from it's owner. He finally moved from the doorframe and you saw Amazook standing in the room, arms crossed, looking at 74j intently. 74j motioned for you to come in too, you had second thoughts but you did what you were told. Amazook glanced at you nervously then looked away again as 74j shut the door behind you.

"As I was saying, Amazook, you and your little pet here mean nothing to me. I just needed her here." 74j said with a hint of that off laugh of his in his voice again. 

"How is she my pet? You're just exaggerating." Here Amazook was with that stupid, straight-to-the-point voice of his.

"Only a pet of yours would be allowed to kiss you. Only a pet." 

"Even if I did kiss her, I don't understand why it's your buisness. Why don't you go fuck with your Earth looking thing and feed it like usual..? You typically do that and keep to yourself."

"Firstly, my, Earth looking thing's name is Lord, secondly, just because this mask is permanently on my face doesn't mean I can't see what goes on outside these walls. This mask is only here to prevent me from snapping your neck, Amazook." 

They both looked at you, only just now seeming to realise you were there. There was an akward silence for a minute before Amazook took you by the hand and left the room. He stopped at another room. "Give me a minute, Y/N, i'll be back." He opened the door and let himself in, leaving you just standing in the hallway.

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