"I was 16... I was crying and you came to me... Don't worry about it, love, it's in the past now," Calista said.

Mr Goold sat on the bed beside her, "Naomi was picked up by Charming for school... He's treating the children to breakfast at Granny's," He told her.

"So, you're treating me?" Calista asked.

"I am," He said.

"Thank you," She said.

"For what?" He asked.

"We'll say it's for the breakfast," Calista said and looked at her plate of pancakes and strawberries, "Perfect," She said before she started to cut the pancakes.


The Evil Queen and Rumpelstiltskin were having a magic lesson in the forest, The Evil Queen was practising on a black unicorn.

"No, show me what you've learned. Immobilise it," Rumpelstiltskin told her.

"Excellent work, my apprentice. Now there's just one last tiny, tiny, teeny little detail," The Evil Queen looked at him confused, "Take its heart," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Like what my mother did to..." The Evil Queen said.

"Oh, your true love. Indeed," Rumpelstiltskin interrupted, "Then, you already know how it's done," He watched as she slowly inched her hand towards the unicorn's chest, "Gentle. If you do it right, no harm will befall it. Unless, of course, you will it," Rumpelstiltskin said.

The Evil Queen withdrew her hand, "I can't," She looked at him, "It's innocent," She said.

"Nothing is innocent," Rumpelstiltskin ripped out the unicorn's heart, which removed the immobilisation spell, "Now, it belongs to me. You see, when you take a heart, it becomes enchanted," Rumpelstiltskin looked at her, "Stronger than a normal heart. You're not hurting the beast, you're controlling it," He explains, "Now, show me you know what to do with that power," He tossed the heart to her, "Kill her," He said.

"What?" She said as she held the heart in her hands.

"You've seen it done, now do it yourself. Show me, you can take the next step in your training. Crush it," Rumpelstiltskin said.

The Evil Queen slowly began to squeeze the heart, but she stopped when she saw the unicorn wither on the ground in pain.

"Dearie, dearie, dearie and I had such high hopes," Rumpelstiltskin said disappointedly.

"And I didn't sign up to kill unicorns," The Evil Queen replied.

"Magic is power. Until you can take power, you're not learning anything. Do you want me to teach you or not?" Rumpelstiltskin asked her.

The Betrayal of the Sister [OUAT || RUMPELSTILTSKIN || Crocodile's Love #2]Where stories live. Discover now