Chapter Eight

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Kira's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling really tired and exhausted. After five minutes of internal conflict to get up and go to school I finally decided. I did my daily morning routine and went downstairs for breakfast with mum.

"Good morning mum" I greeted her. She looked at me and I was worried. She looked very tired and had not so nice bags under her eyes.

"Good morning sweet heart" her voice was very quiet.

"What is wrong mum? Are you okay? Should we go to the doctor?"

"No need for that sit down I have something to tell you". I did not like the sound of that one bit. I sat by her and held her hand. "What is it mum?" She was quiet for a while then she started speaking.

"Do you remember when I told you about your father being in the mafia and everything?" I nodded and she continued "Well something new just came up I do not think you know that Kayden's dad and your dad were best friends. One day they had a drug deal and everything went horribly wrong which is why your dad killed Kayden's dad and he was also killed after. I am sure if Kayden knows about this but then if he does then you will have to be careful around him. He might do something to hurt you to avenge your father's death. I still do not know the main reason why they became enemies but all I know is that he still has some people after us and we will have to be careful Kira. I love you so much and I do not want anything to happen to you. I won' go to work for a few days it might not be safe there since Kayden's father's gang has men all around."

"NO!! This is not possible no no no Kayden will never hurt me I know him even if he has something with Lucy going on he will never hurt me right?" I started sobbing hardly thinking about what mum has said. Sure he is well built and everything but he will never hurt a fly or I have not seen him hurting a fly.

I was angry that mum will think about something like this so without a word I left the house and bang the door behind me. I did not drive to school today I wanted to forget about everything and everyone. I went to a special hiding place I found it one time when mum and I had a picnic and I got lost but eventually found my way back to mum. From that day I go there when I am sad or angry. It makes me happy and I feel so calm there.

I reached there and parked my car near the forest and went in. I bent under the bushes and crawled out of there and the place came in view. There was a very big waterfall and nice green trees and the cloud were also beautiful. I walked in further and sat on the ground letting my thoughts out. I picked the pebble beside me and threw them in the water mumbling curse words everywhere. I was thinking about what mum had said earlier and if Kayden really was after my family then I will have to be careful but then again if he hated me he will not be kind and nice to me all the time right?

No matter how hard I try to believe it I just can't however I believed Damon's words. 'Do not trust anyone'. He was a stranger but his words seemed so true t me. I wish he was here right now so that I get all the answers from him. I need him and it is so fucking complicated. No matter how cold his eyes are I saw one emotion in them. Pity. He pitied me for believing and loving everyone around me. I feel very pathetic now.

I want to see Damon just for once I said aloud Talking to no one in particular and hold him for him to pat my back and say everything was alright but I doubt he will even care for someone like me. Who am I? And how can someone like Damon even help me. Maybe he was just doing his job even if he does not want to.

I needed to get the answers myself instead of being a cry baby. Since Kayden will be in school I will go to his house and search it and see if I will get anything useful from there. He might mask who he really is at school but not at his house I guess. I drove to his house and reached there within no time since it wasn't that far. I opened the door and it was locked. I cursed out loudly and decided to think. If I was Kayden where would I put my key? I looked around and saw flower pots I looked through the first one and found it. I quickly unlocked the door and went inside his house and locked it from inside.

His house was nice it looked similar to mine but the walls were beige in color and the couch was brown this my first in his house honestly every time I ask he makes excuses and I never questioned it. I went upstairs to his room and went to his closet and looked for something valuable but I saw nothing there I moved to his bed and took the pillow and saw a gun. I froze and backed away from the bed I had never seen a real gun before and here in his house was a real gun. I wondered how many weapons where in his house.

I also saw a paper under the bed I picked it up quickly and pocketed it and left his house. I placed the key in the pot and left. I went home and mum was in her room sleeping I felt bad about getting mad at her earlier she was only trying to protect me. I was curious to see what was written on the paper so I opened it quickly and I read it:

'I have one goal and that is my mission to kill Kira and get revenge for my dad and gain more power. Make her fall in love with me first and make her my puppet lure her into her death. And live with Lucy my real girlfriend. Use Lucy to help in my mission and end everything with the daughter of my father's murderer.'

After I read it I don't what came over me I cried so hard and trashed everything in my room. I felt played and so fucking stupid. I was stupid to believe all that it seemed so true. I was heartbroken. I felt suffocated words could not explain how I feel right now. I just felt numb all the memories I have had with them was slowly disappearing and all that was in my mind was hatred for them. I gave them everything and this is what they want to do to me.

I guess they were really never my best friend and boy friend in the start. I kept the note down on my bed and went into the bathroom without even bothering to lock the door and filled the bathtub with water and slowly entered it. I felt the cold water touch my skin as I slowly entered and felt the water at my neck and I just went in fully until darkness overcame me.

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