In My Arms

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Kokichi woke up with a ringing in his ears. 'That's wonderful' he thought sarcastically to himself. The first thing he noticed when he woke up was that he was not on his bed. Now that he thought of it he realized he was on the floor, why was he on the floor. More importantly, why was the floor wet? He laid there for a few minutes trying to think of what had happened to result in him sprawled out on a water covered floor. The water was a shade of pink and his brain screamed at him that it was important. Everything felt all fuzzy as he finally forced himself to sit up. He took in the state of the room. Water was all over the floor, the bath tub was filled as far as it could go, there was a wash cloth laying near the door. It all snapped in place and he remembered what had occurred before he passed out. He reached up and felt around his head. He felt a small indention and pulled back only to see bloody fingers. So that's why he had passed out, he mused to himself. He shakily tried to get up but only collapsed again. He huffed as he 'decided' to lay there a bit longer. His brain was quiet, it always was after something like this. Kokichi smiled, enjoying the silence while he had it. He didn't know how long he had passed out for but he didn't really care. He tried to sit up again only to be refused that right by his body. 'What the actual fuck' he mumbled to himself. Why couldn't he sit up? He let his eyes wonder again and they landed on his sleeve, the entire thing was bright pink. Oh. He looked around again, yeah okay. So he had apparently made the wound worse that it was originally, he honestly didn't think that was possible but here he was. Or maybe the water mixing with it was making it look worse than it actually was. Kokichi was really tired of lying on the floor so he crawled over to the sink and attempted to use that to push himself up. That didn't work, the sink was too tall for him to use as leverage. He huffed at his situation. Why couldn't he even sit up? Why was he so goddamn weak? He rolled over and stared at the ceiling, this was turning out to be a very strange day. His stomach growled at him reminding him of yet another thing he should probably do. He hadn't really eaten anything since Kaede's execution. He drank lots of Panta though. Kokichi grumbled to himself, he hated sitting still so much. He sat up successfully this time and leaned against the wall. He really needed to change his clothes. He sighed as he looked down, his entire outfit had become a light shade of pink.


"All students gather in the kitchen for a special announcement!"

Oh. An announcement. Kokichi struggled to stand up and only collapsed again. What would happen if he just didn't go? Would Monokuma kill him? Maybe he would just sit here. Kokichi leaned his head against the wall. Maybe he'd just go to sleep, he was so tired. Kokichi shut his eyes and waited for the beauty of sleep to encompass him. He may have slept for a few minutes before he was woken up by rustling nearby, was Monokuma coming to kill him? He hadn't even gotten to sleep much yet. Something cold pushed on his arm. Dammit he just wanted to sleep. "GET-UP-ALREADY-FATHER-IS-ANGRY" oh so it was the green one... He continued to sit, ignoring the small bear. "I'M-TRYING-TO-HELP-YOU" Kokichi huffed as small metallic arms wrapped around his own. "Yeah yeah whatever you hunk of junk" Monodam made what sounded like a sigh. Could robots sigh? Kokichi let himself be lifted up by the small robot arms. "COME-ON-FATHER-SAID-IF-I-COULDNT-GET-YOU-THERE-IN-FIVE-MINUTES-HE-WOULD-KILL-YOU" Kokichi grunted. Maybe he wanted to die, little robot man... "yeah okay whatever just let me change." Kokichi thought that now that he was standing up he could probably change. "THAT-IS-NOT-POSSIBLE-IT-TOOK-ME-THREE-MINUTES-TO-GET-IN-HERE" of course it did. Why wouldn't it.


"Wait you can't do that!" Shuichi yelled at the bear. "I can do whatever I want! If he doesn't show up he gets punished, that's the rules!" "But five minutes isnt enough time!" "My cubs are perfectly capable of bringing him back in time!" Monotaro spoke up then. "But father you only sent Monodam." Monosuke was the next to speak up "Yes that is true you sent the worst of us to acquire Kokichi." Monokuma laughed. "Arent my kids so cute!" Monokuma looked at his arm. "Welp they are almost outta time! I guess we'll have another execution before I can even give the motive!" Kaito clenched his fist. "You can't do that, he's probably just sleeping or something!" "ACTUALLY-HE-IS-RIGHT-BEHIND-ME" Shuichi let out a breath when he heard Monodam. "Aw shit I was looking forward to his execution" Monosuke replied. "BROTHER-WE-ARE-TRYING-TO-BE-FRIENDS" Monodam seemed angry which Shuichi was angry too but the bear being angry was unexpected. What was even more unexpected was the state Kokichi was in when he walked through the door. His entire outfit was a light pink and he was soaking wet. The pink was brighter in some areas than others and it almost looked like blood. The small boy's eyes were puffy and he looked extremely tired. What had happened? Was that blood? Is he okay? "Hey Shumai.. take a picture, it'll last longer." Shuichi flushed at the words. Yes he was worried about Kokichi but being caught staring was extremely embarrassing. "Yo sidekick three, are you okay?" "I'm as chipper as whatever is chipper!" Kokichi tried to smile, or at least Shuichi thought he did. It looked more like a pained grimace. "Well now that all you are here and not arguing I can make my announcement which is about the motive!" Everyone waited for Monokuma to continue. "Geez you guys are reactionless today. Well anyway I'm gonna give out some papers and if a killing doesn't happen in the next two days I'll expose all of your cards! And they're all true by the way andddd they are youuurrrr secrets!" After Monokuma's announcement he began to pass out the cards. Shuichi could only assume that was because the Monokubs messed up with the last motive. As soon as Shuichi got his card he wanted to rip it. He was pretty sure he knew what his said and he really didn't want to be more reminded of it than he already was. "No destruction of these cards is allowed! I can tell some of you want to~" Monokuma's voice was just as chipper as usual. Shuichi folded his card and stuffed it in his pocket, he would read it later. Shuichi looked around. Some people looked horrified while others looked mildly inconvenienced. Monokuma left and that's when Shuichi looked back to Kokichi. The small boy was leaving the room and no one had even noticed him. Kaito, Ryoma, and Gonta were all talking to each other. Shuichi sighed to himself, did no one care about the state Kokichi was in? He decided to follow Kokichi and hopefully get some answers.

Sunshine, you are my sunshine Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz