My love? Your love..

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~Arthur's P.O.V~
I could remember the night I saw his tears, I can remember the rose I'd handed him, I bet he's taking care of my precious little daughter, oh my sweet little angel.. I thought to myself as the thought of Yao kept crossing my mind repeatedly and endlessly, unfortunately for me I ended up wandering around the frog's neighbourhood as I got lost into my own thoughts, gone with the fairies. And here I am now in the French pub having a glass of my favourite scotch as the thin tall glass swung smoothly between my index and thumb, a few drops of my drink spilled out in audition as I moved the obstacle to my warmed up pinkish lips and swallowed yet another sip of this alcohol.

"So what were you doing walking around my neighborhood?" The French spoke as I closed my eyes, allowing the sweet taste of the fluid to slide down my tongue, "why would it concern the likes of you?" I stated, placing my glass down as I obviously didn't intend to make any slight hint of eye contact with Francis. "Well knowing mon ami you're a loner honhon you wouldn't know anyone around here other than me~" and there came the extremely mocking laughter of that frog face! I swear for the love of the queen I was one second away from smashing my palm into his bloody ultra monstrous face. "I thought you hated me non?~" he spoke once again as he leant over his chair to my side, only to receive a rejection from me as I scooted further more aside. "I was just taking a walk and I suppose I got left with the fairies." My statement was clear and obvious yet the French frog needed to give me that questioning gaze, with a deep sigh I explained "lost into my thoughts, you bloody idiot."

"So Arthur, what happened that day mm?" The French asked again, not really tired of asking already! I rose my brow curiously sending him the message of my concern as he sighed and nodded, parting his lips to speak "well Angleterrie last meeting you stormed out after china first, knowing you're the heartless cold Angleterrie you would care about none but yourself". I rolled up my fist with furiousness and frustration, yet nodded willing to give in and explain, after all my case of this situation is one sided.. Knowing this frog is the country of love he might be able to give me an advice or two, who knows? "...I love him, though he doesn't love me back for sure." I felt slight tears perk up on the sides of my eyes willing to slip out yet I managed to hold them back as I continued "judging by the way he keeps reacting to Japan, and crying over him and wanting him so dearly to hold a sign of care about him" I looked at that beardy face waiting for an answer yet what I received was a rather slightly shocked face, such a disgusting muzzle I wanted to squeeze the living bloody hell out of his eyes. Not waiting quite much for an answer I left my dollars on the counter under my mug and lifted my weight up, ignoring the yells of the French asking me to wait yet my feet never halted for his calls as I walked out, leaving the frog face back alone in his seat lost into this unsorted puzzle.

~Third person's P.O.V~
Of course Francis being the person to actually care about his childhood friend's condition, he reached for his pocket and fished for his cellphone, once he gripped it he didn't hesitate to pull it out and dial a certain phone number, pressing on call he moved the phone to his ear and waited for the other side to pick up as he winked at the feminine bartender that gave his mug another refill of fresh wine.
The song 'hero' by skillet played out of the blue iPhone 4S as it began dancing to the vibrations into the american's pocket, as Alfred shifted uncomfortably on the floor of bricks in kiku's house, the Japanese narrowed his brow with concern as the American sighed and shook his head, staring down at the phone in his hand "it's Francis" he stated as kiku nodded, quickly he picked up the line and laughed "yo dude! What's up??"
- "Alfred it's me France"
- "I know dude I'm not dumb haha! What is it?"
- "oh mon dieu... Listen Alfred we need to meet up somewhere now, where are you?"

The sandy blonde tilted his head to the side feeling the sudden odd sensation wandering through his body sending shivers down his spine as he nodded "I'm at kiku's" he stated, as he heard the audible sound of a desperate sigh on the other side of the call "come meet me in the pub in my neighborhood" the French stated, causing the American to spread his lips wide open out of shock "dude that's like way too far away!! What kind of reason would cause me to go over there and right now?!" And all he heard in return was..

"It's Arthur". It didn't take Alfred one second to close the call as his expression turned from a rather shocked to a confused yet worried face, Japan could notice how fishy the atmosphere was turning by now so he nodded and bowed his head down with respect for a moment "I'm sorry for the trouble, you can go now Alfred-San. Thank you very much for the visit" with a pure smile he opened his eyes to spot the American already on his feet ready to rush out, Alfred once again creeped a smile upon his lips and nodded "thanks for having me over man, you should come visit me some time as well!" And with that, he sprinted out as if his life has depended on it.

~Yao's P.O.V~
By now everyone had gone off to his own room, Kauro probably playing with pandas, Mei doing her.. Girly time, Yong Soo doing.. Whoever knows what perverted thing he's up to! Basically everyone else as well is now busy with his own business now, as for me? I was left alone downstairs to clean up the mess they'd caused during the daytime, it sure is trouble but what can an older brother do further more? As I moved to the kitchen I pulled my panda tightly into my arms, and walked up to the counter, filling up the pot with water and setting it on the stove to boil. Evening tea time is really near, though I've never expected a sudden visit.. That thought crossed my mind when I heard the sudden knock on the door, too loud to be someone young or weak, really way too loud. Whoever is there I have my arms and legs ready to swing and master the art of old traditional Chinese fighting arts for defense in case he tried to launch at me!

With no more fear I walked up to the door and tugged on the knob, turning it open and only to my surprise to see someone unexpected to be standing there. That lead my eyes to widen up in shock as I stared at the green eyed Briton who stood before me with a rather warmed up smile, a moment of silence passed between the both of us as we couldn't help but make eye contact continuously, it seemed really odd, awkward, weird, not right.. Though the next move was his lips parting to speak as the words finally came out of his mouth "I've got something to tell you.." Dropping me out of a concern to yet another as I nodded and stepped aside, allowing a path for the blonde to step in.

~Francis's P.O.V~
In the pub still I sat in my spot as I drowned myself into endless glasses of alcohol, that stupid angleterrie.. Speaking of him, I needed to tell Alfred about him as soon as possible, this is urgent knowing Alfred had spoke to me about Arthur before, though.. This case seems to get more and more difficult, and if we didn't deal with it from now, the tie might get way too tight to unhook. While I'm in the middle of my thoughts I felt a tap on my shoulders, with a quick gasp out of shock I turned my head to face a panting exhausted American, poor Alfred must've ran all the way here. "Sit down mon ami" I invited him as he gladly sat down and leant into his seat still panting, I quickly rose my hand and asked the pretty sexy bartender to bring me a cup of water for the tired boy. "So what is it about arthur?" He spoke immediately through his panting and impatiently, not even waiting to get a single drop of water for his dried up throat "well mon ami.. I remember what you've told me a month ago" at this moment he seemed to smile as he remembered the moment he told me about his secret a month ago, that almost broke my heart, the next sentence I'm going to tell him is going to make his smile break. "I think Arthur has a crush on yao, china." I stated, and as expected, he frowned, furrowing his brows into a face that makes it harder for me to understand, was he feeling hurt? Or mad? Depressed? Or pissed off? I did not like this at all. "And I think.. He's about to go to see him and confess to him."

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